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Fan ownership????

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Was all for this at the beginning of this mess, but all I can see from fan ownership is the same old splits and ego trips from the different associations/trusts/assemblies and whatever else some groups are calling themselves these days transferred into the boardroom it would be a total disaster.

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I think the only way for fan involvement would be to abolish existing fans groups, and create a single entity for fans to join. that could go a long way to removing the splits etc between the existing groups. By presenting a completely unified front, there is a greater chance of ANY fan involvement.

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I think the only way for fan involvement would be to abolish existing fans groups, and create a single entity for fans to join. that could go a long way to removing the splits etc between the existing groups. By presenting a completely unified front, there is a greater chance of ANY fan involvement.


Only way forward Darther scrap the lot and set up one worldwide membership association.


Won't hold my breath on the people in charge of all the different groups giving up power.

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It would be interesting if there was a survey done among the ex-members of the RST.


Why are you no longer a member?


The RST should think of such a thing and be prepared to take on board the findings.


The old saying the truth hurts springs to mind with that one mate.

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Was all for this at the beginning of this mess, but all I can see from fan ownership is the same old splits and ego trips from the different associations/trusts/assemblies and whatever else some groups are calling themselves these days transferred into the boardroom it would be a total disaster.


It could be better if it was put together properly with decent checks and balances. For example - only allowing someone to represent the fans for say four consecutive years before an enforced break of four years. Proper, transparent elections with one member one vote rather than co-opting. Etc.


It will never be perfect but it's not exactly any kind of democratic model at the moment.

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Are most of the ex-members on here? I'm one - although I was never enamoured with it at any point. I never really felt like a member at all with the only thing to remind me was my one share which brings me the AGM details and accounts info.


I would like a fans group that I can actually engage with and feel part of. The best I've found is Gersnet. Perhaps you have to be on FF to get the same kind of involvement with the Trust but I've no interest in that site.

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I'm an ex member and still get the e-mails.


It shouldn't really matter about Forums, and I think that is one of the failings.


When I was a member for two years I received about 2 emails...


Not sure what you mean about the forums, could you elaborate? Cheers!

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