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Fan ownership????

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It's hard to be overly critical of the fans groups as there's a lot more to running one effectively than a lot of people think. It takes money and, more importantly, it takes lots of time and commitment. Not that that should preclude valid (and constructive) criticism of course.


TB has given a fair description of each group and I agree creating a new one isn't the right way to go.


On the other hand, I would argue the existing ones don't do a great job. As a season ticket holder, a share-holder (lapsed RST member) and a non-RSC member, I certainly don't feel represented by any despite the Assembly claiming they act on my behalf. Thus, I'd certainly like to see any new owner revisit what is possible in terms of improvement.


In essence the idea of the Assembly as the umbrella works fine but I don't think we need an Association anymore. I do agree in having a Trust as an independent viewpoint is necessary - as is creating shareholders. The working group has done pretty well but that shouldn't be needed and the fact it is tells us the Assembly has failed to a degree.


Any new owner should create a suitable group of neutrals to see how we can streamline our groups and make them more attractive to all. Give them a finite period to report back and take the positive actions required to sort this issue for once and for all.

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Too many cooks spoilling the broth for me at the moment, the message(s) is being diluted. we need one unified membership scheme endorsed by the club, if the scheme raises money for the club then the scheme's representatives should be on the board and the supporters views should be heard.

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And another thing, why as a matter of urgency are our representatives not calling for a extra ordinary meeting of all the fans groups. To discuss the way ahead for the support if worse case scenario happens. it always seams we are reactive rather than proactive, If god forbid liquidation does happen then why are we not calling for our collective financial muscles to be used for purchasing Rangers assets. Take for instance the trophy room does anyone know what will happen to our invaluable collection of memorabilia, does it get auctioned off or sold as a job lot back to the new owners or support should we have the necessary monies in place.


Could we ask the RFFF TO STEP IN FOR INSTANCE AND PURCHASE THESE HEIRLOOMS? These are the questions we should be asking now, not when our history is being sold off to the highest bidder.


We really need to get our collective fingers out and start planning for a new future and not leave it to wealthy business men to decide what's best for our club.


Maybe i'm worring to much?

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