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BBC Claim Brian Kennedy bid for club has been rejected

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Guest Dutchy
Ha Ha Ian, hell will Ice over before there is no political talk on any forums. It just moves a few degrees to a new course.:D


Sometimes it seems as though there's only one version of political views allowed on this site in particualr though. Especially with all this money laundering and fiddly dillly businessmen getting us into this mess in the first place.

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Ha Ha Ian, hell will Ice over before there is no political talk on any forums. It just moves a few degrees to a new course.:D


It's like the movie Braveheart,all Wallace wants to do is fight the English while all the nobles want to do is squabble for the scraps of Long shanks table.




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Sometimes it seems as though there's only one version of political views allowed on this site in particualr though.


What version of political views would that be then Dutchy? Just curious, since there's definitely no party line on the forum. We all have different opinions. Sometimes some of us agree, but often we don't. If you can explain what you mean maybe it'll make more sense.

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Guest Dutchy
What version of political views would that be then Dutchy? Just curious, since there's definitely no party line on the forum. We all have different opinions. Sometimes some of us agree, but often we don't. If you can explain what you mean maybe it'll make more sense.


I've been told to shut up with my anti business posts and you may not be able to read every post, I can assuse you I've had more than one mocking my socialist views.


Just because someone may be an accountant, doesn't mean they know anything more than anyone else on this site about our present plight.


I think capitalism is a destroyer and not the builder that most claim, here and in society in general and I've said it before, if you want to censor my opinions, you'll have to block me from the site. Because my opinion is just as important as some tax accountant employed every Jan/Feb to explain the diffirence between avoidance/evasion.


If you need anymore expalnations, just ask!

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On a sidenote ... moneymen and all ... only 19 of Italy'S 107 professional clubs have made a profit last year. The 20 Seria A clubs have debts of Euro 2.6bn, an increase of 14% since the last check in 2009/2010. Since then, the attendance figures have dropped by 5%, Seria A's net losses run at 428m. The debts of the Primera Division teams was mentioned at around Euro 1.3bn.


Do we hear anything about the Spanish or the Italian press running amok about their grand old teams' apparent problems? Do we hear UEFA looking into these enormous amounts of debt being accumulated?

Edited by der Berliner
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Hoping to have some info on the Singaporean bid before I leave for a messy stag weekend in Liverpool tomorrow... :)



Can you give me a yes or no please. Is it the group that Steve McMahon is involved with?

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I've been told to shut up with my anti business posts and you may not be able to read every post, I can assuse you I've had more than one mocking my socialist views.


That, simply, is not true. You were asked to stop making the SAME point in MULTIPLE threads when it had little to no bearing on the thread in particular. In fact, I even encouraged you to create a separate thread so it could be discussed on its own merits.


And nobody was mocking your socialist views. Where is that the case ? I am assuming you are talking about me but I never mocked your socialist view at all, I simply asked to stop repeating it.


Stop trying to bend the truth.


Just because someone may be an accountant, doesn't mean they know anything more than anyone else on this site about our present plight.


And at no point did I suggest that I know more than anyone merely because I am an accountant. Trust me, I am not arrogant in nature and I would never attempt to belittle anyone's opinion. Disagree with it, yes, belittle it or suppress it, no.


Likewise, I have only the same information as the average Joe about our present plight and would not start to suggest I know a whole lot more - I do know how administrations and liquidations operate in general but certainly not specifically to us.


I think capitalism is a destroyer and not the builder that most claim, here and in society in general and I've said it before, if you want to censor my opinions, you'll have to block me from the site. Because my opinion is just as important as some tax accountant employed every Jan/Feb to explain the diffirence between avoidance/evasion.


You are entitled to your opinion and, yes, it is as important as anyone's. However, when you make that same opinion across multiple threads where your connection is spurious then I will absolutely ask you to refrain from killing threads for the sake of repeating yourself.


What you did with the continual posting about being anti-capitalist was, IMO, against the spirit of this forum. You absolutely CAN state that - but to keep doing it over and over and over in multiple threads is not in the spirit of the forum.


If you need anymore expalnations, just ask!

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Guest Dutchy

You're right Craig, I am entitled to my opinion and I will contiue to repeat it in threads that are in the main about financial matters. As the more subtle suggestions of people that work in the financial areas like to make.


As I've said before, just live with it, instead of trying make out my views are irrelevant.

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