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WHEN it comes right down to the very nub of the issue, to the very basic question as to who Rangers supporters can trust to be the new custodians of their beleaguered club, there can surely only be one answer.


Paul Murray and the Blue Knights.


For this consortium are real Rangers men. More like Paul Murray and the True Blue Knights. And as well as all of the people who are involved being Rangers men, they are sound, competent and reputable people who are good corporate citizens.


Proper people!


And they are more. For my information is that the True Blue Knights, if they win their fight to rescue Rangers, have plans to defend Rangers from the clubâ??s many and increasingly confident enemies.


Just the way those supporters long wanted David Murray to defend Rangers. David, however, never did that.


The True Blue Knights will make sure they have the people in place who wonâ??t stand any old nonsense from the Scottish Football Association of Stewart Regan and his Hampden boardroom pal, Celtic chief executive, Peter Lawwell.


Or from the Scottish Premier League board, which includes Lawwellâ??s lapdog, Celticâ??s £220,000-a-year director, Eric Riley and Parkhead pal, Stephen Thompson, the Dundee United chairman.


Paul Murray and the True Blue Knights are already drawing up a Bluenose Bluerprint to put people in place to take the fight to the SFA and SPL and to use their influence in high places within UEFA too.


On top of which, Paul Murray and the True Blue Knights will be lining up the best legal brains money can buy to ensure that never again will the SPL be allowed to get away with hiring Celticâ??s lawyers, Macleod and Harper, to investigate Rangers.


The True Blue Knights have already revealed that former manager, Walter Smith â?? the greatest Ranger of the last quarter of a century â?? will be invited to join the Ibrox board. An announcement Paul Murray would not have made without first consulting Smith.


But even that is just the tip of the iceberg of the schemes being discussed by some of the other True Blue Knights.


Most of the True Blue Knights are polite, well behaved businessmen who, like Paul Murray, are good corporate citizens. But none of those qualities make them pushovers.


While another True Blue Knight, Douglas Park, is well known as a man nobody has ever got away with pushing around. My bet is that True Blue Knight, Park will make some waves.


Of course all of this â?? all of the plans the Tue Blue Knights have for making sure Rangers are no longer a soft target for their enemies â?? remains dependent on them, with the legions of Ibrox fans helping â?? winning control.


And that is dependent on administrators, Duff and Phelps and the Duff and Phelps Two, Brian Clark and David Whitehouse, who now seem to be prepared to go to bizarre lengths in their apparent desperate struggle to stop the real Rangers supporters, Paul Murray and the True Blue Knights, getting control of Rangers.


They have, to my certain knowledge, appeared to give private press briefings against Paul Murray. Perhaps they did not understand that after three years as Rangers director he has no need to ask them some of the basic questions about the club other interested parties have to pose.


Paul Murray and - by dint of his association with them â?? the True Blue Knights already know the answers.


Which brings us to Hibernian supporter Brian Kennedy, who has been briefing for all heâ??s worth in the last few days trying to find some sort of tenuous link between him and Rangers.


The Scottish Daily Mail, which seems in the main, hostile to the Paul Murray-True Blue Knights, appears to many sound observers, to be Kennedyâ??s chosen vehicle for these briefings.


That suspicion was added to, by the way the Lord Hodge advice from the Court of Session on Duff and Phelpsâ?? bid to breach the £24M contract between Ticketus and Rangers, was presented in Saturdayâ??s Scottish Daily Mail by John Greechan.


Odious Creepâ??s pal, Greechan has often seemed to be in any camp which is opposed to what is good for Rangers and it is a charge which many may feel they can level against him again.


Just as many may feel a similar charge can be leveled against the Duff and Phelps Two, Clark and Whitehouse, especially after their bizarre reaction to Lord Hodgeâ??s carefully phrased warning words about breaching the £24M contract.


According to Paul Clark, Duff and Phelps will just go right ahead and breach the contract should they feel like it. They did not add what they believe the Ticketus reaction to such a high handed action would be.


Though I am sure any competent Scottish lawyer would tell them, as one will no doubt tell Ticketus, that Ticketus will launch an action, tying up Rangers in the courts for months and maybe even years. With the first move being for Ticketus to apply to freeze £24M of Rangers assets.


So, nobody would be able to buy Rangers if that happens. Leaving Duff and Phelps still in charge and still absolutely raking in big bucks from Rangers.


The way the Duff and Phelps Two, Clark and Whitehouse have been working means their company has already banked well over ONE MILLIONâ?¦and rising.


Remember too, that David Grier, who helped conman Craig Whyte push through his dodgy deal to buy Rangers for a quid, is a senior partner with Duff and Phelps and is therefore benefiting financially from Rangers.


People may ask if this as anything to do with the way the Duff and Phelps Two, Clark and Whitehouse have allegedly briefed against Paul Murray and present the appearance of doing everything possible to thwart the True Blue Knights?


I, of course, couldnâ??t possibly comment.


People may also ask just why Brian Kennedy wants to buy Rangers. Does he, some wonder out loud, think he can get them on the cheap and then sell them on as soon as possible and make a fast buck?


On that I can comment. I believe it is the only reason Hibernian supporter Kennedy wants to buy Rangers. But Iâ??ve been told the best way for Kennedy to make a quick killing would be to take over and then plunge Rangers into liquidation.


The other bidders are the Americans from Sport 9. The same would apply to the motives of this Chicago Mob.


Which leaves Paul Murray and the True Blue Knights as the only people with a True Blue Blueprint to save Rangers. To restore the clubâ??s tattered and battered honour with the sort of stewardship which would include supporters and go a long way to returning Rangers to their traditions, restoring the heritage of the Gallant Pioneers.


Plus bringing in people capable, willing and able to go head-to-head with the many enemies of Rangers in the media, the Scottish Football Association and the Scottish Premier League.


It is interesting to observe those media outlets and those who work for them, who seek to skewer their coverage of this story in such a way as to make any bidders, other than the Rangers supporting Paul Murray and the True Blue Knights, appear a better option for Rangers.


Interesting too, to question what motives they, along with Duff and Phelps, have.


For the nub of the question, the very core of the argument, is who do Rangers fans want to see entrusted with the stewardship of their club? A Hibernian supporter, seemingly out to make a quick buck, which may involve liquidation?


The Chicago Mob, who may go down that same liquidation path?


Or Paul Murray and the True Blue Knights Rangers men, all!


The answer is surely pretty straightforward.



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How many times does leggat call Brian Kennedy a "Hibernian supporter" ?

Disappointed with him on this occasion with this piece of fiction.

Those "TRUE BLUE KNIGHTS" could have stepped up years ago. Instead, they were the ones who looked on waiting to get the Club on the cheap only to be gazumped by Whyte.

They've already had their chance and fucked it up. They stood by and let the past few weeks' humiliation happen and let Whyte take all the flak.

Now leggat lauds them yet all they have to offer is a deal not too dis-similar to Whyte's. Even wanting ticketus on board ffs....like Whyte !!

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There was certainly a fair amount of censorship of criticism of Ticketus going on in certain quarters over the weekend, which was disappointing.


We get enough censorship from our own government and it's propaganda mechanisms without Rangers fans abusing their privilages of power too in order to try and fool the rest (majority) of the fans. It's devious and it's a serious abuse of authority and positions of power. It's essentially tyranny.

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Guest Dutchy

leggo has become a pain in the ass these days, but I do think we should know more about all the bidders before letting anyone take us over.


I don't know the answer, like most people, but I do think the BK's have Rangers at heart. There is the problem of inaction when Whyte was doing all his diddling and fiddling, but that's probably because they've no money, like Whyte. They have to get backing from other wealthy Gers fans and the support in general.


I wish I knew SDM was going to seel us for a £1, then PM could have bought us and paid off the debt as well. D&P have to explain why they've got it in for the BK's so much? The guys that publicly wanted to stop Whytes takeover and they're also Whytes preferred admins.


Criminals don't just stop when there's a chance of being caught, especially when the law almost aids this type of financial dodgyness.

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D&P have to explain why they've got it in for the BK's so much?


My guess is that D&P know the details of all the bids....and the BK's bid doesn't match up to the amount of hype in the media or possibly the other bids.

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