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There Could Be A Bidding War

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Live with it, Mr Accountant


Please do us all a favour by refraining from hijacking every thread about the administration with the "they are robbing us stuff". We ALL have read your multiple posts on this, we get it.


By continually posting the same stuff you are effectively killing discussion on the thread itself.


As I said before, we get your position - but there is no need to hijack threads to get it across so many times.

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Guest Dutchy

What gives you the right to tell people how to think. If you had a decent arguement agaisnt professinal crooks I'd discuss it with you.


Why don't you start a thread on the wonders of money men.


I woke up this morning to hear the the tory party were asking for £250,000 to influence Cameron. Can you think of many that have that sort of money, Mr Money lover

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Dont presume that I am a money lover. You are barking up the wrong tree and I am asking you to refrain.


Stop the personal insults and do so now please.


I am not telling you what to think, I am asking you to stop hijacking threads.

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Guest Dutchy

You talk with forked tongue. You keep saying we're sick of my comments. Get a life, or is it too busy between January and February to think of anything else than cutting stupid peoples taxes?


I've said before, if you think I'm abusive, block me. Or tell me why the admins are still here????

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They are still here because they have a job to do. One which you quite clearly have no appreciation for.


In that world of yours the admin should have been in and out of Ibrox with new owners within the week. Clearly you dont know how the process works. If you do, tell me why they should have left by now.....


Should they just put all 5 bids into a hat and draw a lucky number ?


And no, I am not talking with a forked tongue. Again, your personal insults will only go so far. Stop them now, please.

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Guest Dutchy

In a thread about what is essentially money matters, the admins are doing very well, thank you very much.


If it comes down to persnal insults, you need to take a step back and wonder why you think you're right all the time.


Sure it's going to take time and sure, I don't appreciate them bleeding my club dry. Mr Money expert.


Everyone has their opinions about money, even the poor.

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In a thread about what is essentially money matters, the admins are doing very well, thank you very much.


If it comes down to persnal insults, you need to take a step back and wonder why you think you're right all the time.


Sure it's going to take time and sure, I don't appreciate them bleeding my club dry. Mr Money expert.


Everyone has their opinions about money, even the poor.



Mate what is your problem?

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The thread is about bids for the clubs, you are making a nefarious connection to "money matters" by having yet another go at the admins.


I dont think I am right all the time. Show me where that is the case ? I simply asked you to stop making the same point over and over in thread after thread - it is killing the discussion. Everyone knows your position on the administrators and them "bleeding the club dry", so why have to make it over and over ? I didnt even suggest in this thread you were wrong.


why the continued "Mr Money Expert" statement ? You really are starting to make yourself look childish in some of your posts towards me. It is not needed.


And everyone is entitled to that opinion, you included obviously. But I just dont see the need to continue making it when it is clearly known.


I dont appreciate the money they are getting either, it is a sad indictment that those companies in trouble are having to pay through the nose for these experts. However, there is also the chance that these same experts can be the difference between saving the club and it going into liquidation. No guarantees obviously. But if they assist in keeping the club afloat then I think the fees they will have charged will have been worth it. Just my opinion of course.

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Guest Dutchy

In case you've not noticed, this is a social site, no posts are to you.


But as you're such an expert, how much do you thing the admins are taking, per week from our club?


I heard a figure of £250,000 per week. Do you know any diffirent. It's typical of folk that don't like others opinions that they should tell them to shut up.


Well I will. I'm sick of your love of the money men in football.


There was a time when I got into Ibrox for 20p. No chance of that happening now.

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