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Blue Knights may borrow £5m from Ticketus to help with Rangers takeover

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  A Horse With No Name said:


Yes, I really do despair...


Yes, blindly.


Tell me what makes the BK offer better than anyone else's ? Or even better than what Craig Whyte did, seeing as they appear to be following a similar business plan...

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I'm totally gobsmacking by internet Rangers supporters lack of understanding about the situation we find ourselves in. TBK's task is twofold 1) to save our club and 2) by involving the fans make the club transparent to all and by doing that bringing REALISM into the equation. What is the online response? (thank God it's just the online brigade). If Rangers fans support TBK's they're labelled BLIND!!! Unfeekingbelievable! Some us these people are happy to give Ally ANOTHER YEAR despite him showing himself to be inept! As I say unfeekinbe...


Paul Murray and his group have the backing of Walter Smith and yet those of us who back them (financially as well as vocally) are told we are BLIND! What an insulting attitude some have! I'll leave it at that as I'm very feeking angry!


Must say the reactions from some fans to TBK's borrowing £5m from Ticketus leaves me very disappointed. Some seem to be still stuck in this false thinking that a rich person is just gonna ride in, sort out the problems, return us to winning ways before selling up and leaving the club in a good footing! I really do despair at times! Listening to that Radio 5 programme last night there was so much optimism that we would survive face the hardships that will come our way and fight our way through them, but then I click on rm and here to see...


It's fine to question things but where's the positive determined vibes? So, we'll need £5 m or so to see us through the 1st stage SO WHAT? So we'll be renegotiate the deal with Ticketus later than we'd like - I'm sure broad terms will have already been agreed. My oh my what are we like?


The chance to live and be in a position to FIGHT our way back to health that's what Paul Murray and the Blue Knights are giving us, have a little faith ffs do you wanna be in a position to fight or have you already given up?


My cash is there for The Blue Knights I wanna fight!



If Rangers do go into Liquidation I won't be supporting Rangers Rovers 2012 - my team will be dead!

Edited by Zappa
Removal of offensive analogy
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Get over yourself AHWNN. I didnt say YOU were blindly accepting of the BK bid but undoubtedly some of our fans are. But feel free to categorise yourself that way. I wont apologise for saying something which wasnt aimed at you.


Funny how you seem very at ease in casting aspersions to others yet get all tetchy and offended when someone says something which you THINK is aimed at you.


All of which being said, if you believe that my "blind" remark was aimed at you then I want to state clearly that it wasnt. If you are still offended by it then I apologise as it most certainly wasnt aimed at you.


I fully expect you to also make apologies when casting aspersions at others on this site.


I believe there IS an ignore button. Feel free to use it, I wont be offended.

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  A Horse With No Name said:
Moving/stopping my thread - so that's gonna be your childish response Craig! Pathetic abusing the (little) power you have, you won't get the chance of offending me again!


Beg your pardon ?


Where have I moved or stopped your thread ? If it has been moved I can ASSURE you it wasnt me. Dont flatter yourself.


So now I DO expect an apology - because I have neither moved nor stopped your thread. If you had taken the chance to even acquaint yourself with me you would have swiftly realised that moving and/or stopping threads is not something I do.


So.... care to apologise for jumping the gun and being completely wrong ?

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  A Horse With No Name said:
I'm totally gobsmacking by internet Rangers supporters lack of understanding about the situation we find ourselves in.


Many were using the same argument as their support for Whyte a year ago.


The one thing that has been proven is that we need to examine all bids , including the BKs, with a fine toothcomb to establish which is best. To make a decision now without all of the facts seems premature at best.

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  A Horse With No Name said:
Moving/stopping my thread - so that's gonna be your childish response Craig! Pathetic abusing the (little) power you have, you won't get the chance of offending me again!


Come on man chill out. I have been argueing with Craig in 2 threads and he is not the type of person to do what you are saying, in fact he has always come accross as a very level headed and fair guy.

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  A Horse With No Name said:
Moving/stopping my thread - so that's gonna be your childish response Craig! Pathetic abusing the (little) power you have, you won't get the chance of offending me again!


I moved your thread as it was easily contained within the existing topic.


I respectfully suggest you calm down and don't treat people's valid and constructive criticism of the Blue Knights as some sort of personal slur on yourself.

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  CumbernauldGers said:
Come on man chill out. I have been argueing with Craig in 2 threads and he is not the type of person to do what you are saying, in fact he has always come accross as a very level headed and fair guy.


You obviously dont know me too well :P - seriously though, thanks for the character reference.


Ahhh, you are only saying that to get me to buy another signed shirt, right ? LOL. You know the worst thing about those signed shirts I got from you CG..... they wont fit in my suitcases so I have had to leave them at my Mum's house.... My 7 yr old only gets to see them when we go home on holiday :D


AHWNN - seriously, I am not that type of person. I very rarely knowingly offend people, it just isnt who I am.

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