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Blue Knights - Some Names

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Guest Dutchy

I'm leaning more and more to the Murray bid as I like the emphasis on changing the ownership model, which is what we have to do in the future.


I'm not too happy about all these new names with their history of manipulating money. Are they saying we'll slap in a few million each and take a loss, or will they price out the ordinary fan???

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Murray this week revealed to Record Sport that Scots motoring tycoon Douglas Park and big hitters John Bennett and Scott Murdoch, financial men based in London, were the first to join his consortium. Former director Dave King also hopes to become involved, subject to SFA approval.



John Bennet is NOT a financial "big hitter" inasmuch as he does not have mega millions to invest in Rangers either personally or institutionally.


I will be posting his comments shortly.

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John Bennet is NOT a financial "big hitter" inasmuch as he does not have mega millions to invest in Rangers either personally or institutionally.


I will be posting his comments shortly.


I await with interest.


The big hitters will be the in the 'billionaire Craig Whyte' category I expect.

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I just spent half an hour writing the new thread and the system kicked me out, so I'm going to feed my face, pump up the tyres for tomorrow and come back to it about 10.30pm - 11.00pm hopefully.


Brahim write your things in a words document and keep saving after every sentence. Transfer on to the site as a full document (copy paste). It saves a lot of this.:throwpc: And this.:brick: The site does seem to be having a lot of problems at the moment maybe Barry can have a look!

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I just spent half an hour writing the new thread and the system kicked me out, so I'm going to feed my face, pump up the tyres for tomorrow and come back to it about 10.30pm - 11.00pm hopefully.

C'mon Brahim get a grip!....copy mate before committing.


Have you not been 'told' this before? :frown:

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Done now although it gave me heart failure as it threw me out as it posted the thread. Had it on a WORD doc this time though. Trouble is when you do it that way you lose the para formatting, bold, colours etc and have to redo them on the site. Bit of a pain, come on you Administrators get it sorted!

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