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Rangers confirmed as being in Administration (Mon)

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It really is a sham that Administrators aren't non profit making Government concerns - sooo many flaws and contradictions the main one being there's no real incentive for them to be efficient and successful in their tasks! Obviously we can't be too critical of these ones as we need them to do work some deal with HMRC.


Btw if they can't get results with HMRC I don't really see their real role being worth much ...

- certainly not £400,000 pcm

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Some naughty statement by the BBC's very own sports reporter Matt Slater, for after a rather sensible report on some administrations in British football, he's leaving a lingering comment about the Rangers support to end the article.


There is one other point worth making about D&P's outsider status, however: no Scottish firms wanted the work because they feared for their windows.


And that should tell you everything you need to know about which of the current administrations in British football will be the hardest to resolve successfully.

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Some naughty statement by the BBC's very own sports reporter Matt Slater, for after a rather sensible report on some administrations in British football, he's leaving a lingering comment about the Rangers support to end the article.


That's beyond the pale. First of all it's utter nonsense, every "local" firm of administrators would have been wetting themselves to get the Rangers gig. The fee's on offer alone make it a massive deal to these type of firms let alone the publicity and profile that would come along with it. With the comment about windows he's just lowered himself to gutter level. I'm not amused.

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Guest Dutchy

I think he was alluding to the past behaviour of septic fans, not that Rangers fans would smash up windows.


But it was snide, the English are all laughing their heads off at Scottish football, and have been for years.

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