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Important Questions For The Scottish Media To Be Asking?

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Metaphorically speaking It's been like putting a giant Jigsaw puzzle together, trying to work out where all the pieces went. It's only half way finished but if you stand back you get idea what the full picture is like. it's a huge panoramic of Ibrox on match day, But somehow i think some of the pieces are going to be missing in the directors box with this one.


I need to stay off the Cocoa

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What about breaking it down into sections of questions for the various parties involved? We could have:


  1. Questions for Craig Whyte
  2. Questions for Lloyds
  3. Questions for Ticketus
  4. Questions for the Administrators
  5. Questions for The Blue Knights
  6. Questions for the SFA


I'll add the questions you've all already posted into the section it suits best and with any new questions you can maybe shape them to suit a section? Does that make sense?

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If this is true then why are the RST/RSA and Paul Murray desperately trying to get into bed with ticketus?


If it is not true why would Ticketus want in with the RST/RSA and Paul Murray?


I believe they see it as the only way to get their money back.

There is a court case shortly where the Administrators are going to try and free Rangers from the Ticketus deal. If they lose that they walk away with a 24million red face and nothing to show for it. As I said it has been said a few times by the administrators that Ticketus are not creditors.


Their money never passed through the club how can they then be creditors?

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Do we honestly believe that the Scottish media will have an unbiased agenda in finding out what has happened at our Club?


Frankie's right - there should be a Public Inquiry. Either that or the mother of all court cases.

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Who was the person who initially came forward with the EBT scheme as a realistic way of paying players , who did they work for and why did Rangers fc pay MIH £500,000 pa for legal and tax advice

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Why did Wylde and Celik leave for free when they are on low wages and the whole team were in the process of agreeing wage cuts?


Why did the head of the players union say they both felt it was time to move on and not talk about the money saying side of it?


Why were both young players not getting a game after signinglong term contracts?

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Who owns what.


Why is the floating charge alleged to be irrelevant yet when the bank held it it was the Holy Grail.


Don't insult our intelligence by saying Whyte didn't putin any money, that would stand the age old business tenet of never use your own money on its head.


Why are we not united in our quest fot stability to many schemes and factions fighting for blazers, plenty of freeloaders and glory hunters when we need a leader with a single purpose, that being the well being of the club.

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