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Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012

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The problem of sectarian singing was brought up by the BBC at the end of the Hearts game (as well as at the start as I pointed out) and not because there was any sectarian singing, but because the BBC (and many others incl MPs etc) clearly have an agenda against Rangers. No such comments were made by the BBC before OR after the Celtic game today.


Did they mention the Hertz fans singing the Huns are going bust ?

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The problem of sectarian singing was brought up by the BBC at the end of the Hearts game (as well as at the start as I pointed out) and not because there was any sectarian singing, but because the BBC (and many others incl MPs etc) clearly have an agenda against Rangers. No such comments were made by the BBC before OR after the Celtic game today.


I certainly don't remember any sectarian singing today.


It was disappointing to see the police having 2 officers standing in front of the TBO/UB for the whole game staring at them. Clearly intimidatory when it appeared that the relationship between the fans and the police had improved for a while.

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I certainly don't remember any sectarian singing today.


It was disappointing to see the police having 2 officers standing in front of the TBO/UB for the whole game staring at them. Clearly intimidatory when it appeared that the relationship between the fans and the police had improved for a while.


That's normal these days mate,although the new legislation will give them an added edge

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PC is a weapon being used by the SNP against every mans/womans right to freedom,free to speak,free to think,something that our fore fathers fought and died for so we could be free. How sad it is to see it being taken away from us.

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That's normal these days mate,although the new legislation will give them an added edge


It's actually not. They had moved away and were allowing the section to largely police themelves over the past couple of months. Both them and G4S had changed their attitude from earlier in the season.


I don't know if today's presence was a reaction to the new Act or last game's singing, but if it's the latter then it wasn't just that section who were the culprits.

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I certainly don't remember any sectarian singing today.


The beeb brought up the subject of it both at the start and end of the game. That's it, but they didn't do it at the start and end of the Celtic game.

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The only way out of the political mess is to fight back and take control of our country. We will because the people have had enough, get political and beat them at their own game. The time has come for our very own 'Peoples Party' to redress the imbalance. Once we have secured Rangers furure, up next is to fund this party and go after those who have tried to harm our club, culture, heritage and community.

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The only way out of the political mess is to fight back and take control of our country. We will because the people have had enough, get political and beat them at their own game. The time has come for our very own 'Peoples Party' to redress the imbalance. Once we have secured Rangers furure, up next is to fund this party and go after those who have tried to harm our club, culture, heritage and community.


Nice words but I think you will find that a large percentage of people prefer to go with the flow for the easy life. Once everything is back on the rails most people will take the most comfortable train. Sorry to disillusion yo but that is the way it normally is.

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