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WALTER SMITH broke his silence last night

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I think it would be undignified of Walter to start slinging mud at specific people. He's a lot better than that. We all know who he means when he criticises our current situation, he does not need to name them.


The men responsible he's after aren't Murray and Bain I can guarantee you that.

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So you basically want Walter to descend to the level of the likes of Liewell and directly slag off those responsible for this mess?


I really don't.


It's not about slagging people off he could've replied the club are in the best hands at the moment with the admin team and left it at that or he could've said the present and past regimes have made a total mess of running the club and should all be held responsible.

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WS was only making two points really :


1. The FANS, the livelihood of the club, have NO IDEA where all the money has gone since CW took over

2. When SDM was running up the massive debts we could SEE where the debt was, it was on the pitch playing every week.


WS isnt suggesting who ran up what debt and, in fact, highlights that SDM DID run up debt. All he is doing is showing the difference between the two regimes as to how transparent the debt is in terms of visibility (big tax case aside)

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