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Cull continues - Ali Russell And Gordon Smith Leave

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I'm cool with agreeing to disagree mate because none of us are here to persuade anyone of anything, just to talk about Rangers and related issues.


To carry on the conversation in a general sense... If we focus purely on Martin Bain, do you think he took legal action just for money? I'm trying to put myself in his shoes and I honestly don't think he would have done it for money even although it perhaps looked that way initially. To me it seems just as (if not more) likely that Bain took action as a first step towards exposing Craig Whyte for what he is.


Sorry about the delay in replying.


I'm not sure if it was about money, but I'm also not sure if it was about exposing Whyte. I think it could have been more about trying to prove he isn't a shady businessman as Whyte suggested because he is a businessman afterall & he has to work after Rangers either way and so Whyte suspending & dismissing him could be harmful for him in the future.

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Sorry about the delay in replying.


I'm not sure if it was about money, but I'm also not sure if it was about exposing Whyte. I think it could have been more about trying to prove he isn't a shady businessman as Whyte suggested because he is a businessman afterall & he has to work after Rangers either way and so Whyte suspending & dismissing him could be harmful for him in the future.


Quite possibly! It could also have been a combination of different reasons. ;)

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