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Four men still have a dream -

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Posted on 16/02/2012 by johndcgow


Four men had a dream

To start a football team

They had no money, no kit, not even a ball

They still carried on

The Rangers were born

After 54 titles weâ??re still going strong


Rangers arenâ??t going strong any more. The unthinkable is reality â?? Rangers are in administration and close to liquidation. The natural inclination for many is to feel helpless and give up â?? in action, if not in mind.


But you would be wrong. This is our moment as Rangers fans to show courage. This is your moment.


Yes, you reading this. Not just Paul Murray or the Rangers Supporters Trust. Not just some organisation or group of rich fans. Every single Rangers fan has a part to play in saving the club. When we admire those who overcome extreme adversity, itâ??s easy to forget that those in the middle of turmoil didnâ??t know the future, but they had the courage to fight on.


Rangers fans have been so demonised that we have forgotten how many of us there are, and how strong we are as a lobby. We are crucial to the Scottish economy. We are crucial to the survival of Scottish football and we can make or break political and media careers.


We have influence â?? so use it!


If a politician helps or hinders the club, then let them know every Gers fan will hear of it. This can, at the very least, stop possible mischief-makers from harming the club. Believe me, it doesnâ??t take many contacts for a politician to get the message.


We also have financial clout. If a business, or media organisation helps Rangers then thank them. Buy their products and promote them. If they go against Rangers then politely let them know it, and never buy their products, read their newspapers or listen/watch their shows.


We have this new invention called the internet. Spread the word on everyone who helps or hinders Rangers at the moment. Itâ??s important.


Look at Dunfermline and Dundee Utd. Both are owed money from Rangers and both should get their money from Rangers. So far Dunfermline have acted with class while Dundee Utd are rumoured to have chosen to make life very difficult for Rangers in the future.


In both cases they deserve Rangersâ?? money, but I would suggest Dunfermline also deserve the fans money too. In Dundee Utdâ??s case, if they go against Rangers they should not get a penny of our hard-earned cash, and it should never be forgotten. Ever.


That goes for every football club, journalist, politician, business and media outlet. They are perfectly entitled to choose to harm our club, but Rangers fans are also free to make our memories last very long indeed.


As Rangers fans we donâ??t know what will happen. At best, we could have many barren years and come out stronger. At worst, The Rangers Football Club will be liquidated and a new legal entity will take over, but it will still be The Rangers.


The club can only truly die if you let it die. We might have â??no money, no kit, not even a ballâ? but we will still carry on and rebuild if we choose to do so. There is a reason we sing â??four men had a dreamâ? and not â??four men had a financial legal entityâ?.


Rangers have had many different kits, we even wore the hoops before Celtic Football & Athletic Company (a body that ended in 1994). We have played in different areas and even another Ibrox, but we are still The Rangers.


Being a Rangers fan is not something that can be taken away unless we let it. It is something we share as fans. We are attached to a dream, to an idea. We sometimes differ on that what that is, but we feel it every time the ball hits the back of the net.


Of-course it would be devastating for the current legal entity was to be liquidated, but I for one will not allow the dream of The Rangers Football Club to die because of the disgusting personal management of a few people.


You donâ??t need to let The Rangers die either â?? even in the worst circumstance â?? because as long as Rangers fans come together that is where the Rangers heartbeat resides, not at Companies House.


If we stick together that dream stays alive. If we put petty internal rivalries aside we can overcome. If Rangers fans in the media and politics show some courage and stop hiding we can win.


The Rangers lion will still roar this Saturday because we will stay together. Let your voice be heard at every game like never before. We sing that â??we will follow onâ? and we have. But the club no longer just needs followers. For once the club will take our lead and follow us out of the darkness.


I know we will not let our dream die. Time to let others learn that lesson too.


â??Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.â? â?? Winston Churchill

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