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Administrators Press Conference 16.02.2012, 3.45 pm - Live on STV

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What's interesting is the rumours of people being interested in buying/investing in the club which perhaps lends credence to the rumours that whatever happens over the next few weeks, we will emerge either debt free or with a more than sustainable CVA in place. You can see why a club like ours in that position could be a much more attractive proposition.

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The big tax case is probably the reason why no-one was interested.


The only way out of it was to take the club into administration and no-one wanted to do that - especially as it seems to me that you'd have to invest over £20M and then lose control of the club and then possibly lose most of your money and end up a pariah.


I still have a sneaky suspicion that Whyte is someone who's whole fortune is built on nefariously stretching and exploiting how business insolvency works, and seen an opportunity to do the dirty work and still make money out of it.


I still can't believe he's only out to steal from wounded Rangers as it would be like daylight robbery in full view of the press and tax man while leaving incontrovertible evidence that the Keystone Cops could work out. Unless he's working on the bleeding edge of the law, I can't see how we would get away with it. He must have an ace in the hole somewhere.


I feel we're watching one of those films where the protagonist has to do something counter intuitive and immensely complex to cleverly get out of a difficult situation and after a huge twist in the reveal, end up with a happy ending.

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