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Phil Betts and the catering deal.

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It seems Phil Betts whilst a director of RFC plc secured himself a nice commission

from Close Leasing (now the lead creditor ahead of Whyte) whilst acting in his role as a director of the Rangers Football Club plc.


But why the need to do the deal in the first place as RFC and Azure had monies allocated to pay for the refurbishment of the catering facilities, makes you wonder where the money went?


Makes you wonder if he did likewise on the Ticketus deal albeit on a far, far grander scale?

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Because they knew what game he was playing.


Can you back that up at all forlans ?


Not trying to be facetious, but your answer supplies no evidence that Close Leasing have supplanted Whyte as lead creditor.


How have they obtained such status ? One would have thought Whyte wasnt so stupid as to allow somebody to usurp himself as lead creditor.

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Can you back that up at all forlans ?


Not trying to be facetious, but your answer supplies no evidence that Close Leasing have supplanted Whyte as lead creditor.


How have they obtained such status ? One would have thought Whyte wasnt so stupid as to allow somebody to usurp himself as lead creditor.


Of course you want proof here it is, apologies for the size!


Hope this will suffice.











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Shit if I'd looked up my own stuff could have saved myself some time:facepalm:


Superb! To sum things up then, Close Leasing now have a charge over all the assets of Rangers. I presume Close Leasing are an offshoot (or descendant) of Close Bros the merchant bankers and that leaves the question. Who are they working for? Worrying.

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Superb! To sum things up then, Close Leasing now have a charge over all the assets of Rangers. I presume Close Leasing are an offshoot (or descendant) of Close Bros the merchant bankers and that leaves the question. Who are they working for? Worrying.


Close Leasing were working for themselves and they've been well rewarded.


They are indeed. Think the question should be not who they were working for but who was Phil Betts working for?


How can it be that an employee of RFC plc negotiating a deal on behalf of RFC plc can end up being paid by the company he was negotiating with to supply a service to RFC plc, it's bizarre and as blatant a conflict of interest as you will see.


Given that the Ticketus deal was many,many times the size of the Close Leasing deal it makes you wonder what if the same procedure was used there too.

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Can anyone shine some more light on this and in layman's terms explain where this might leave us in light of the administration, HMRC and all the other issues? I've been keeping up and generally understand most of what's going on, but I'm now really getting confused and worried about the security of the club because trying to understand this catering deal feels like I've just fallen down the rabbit hole without a torch. WTF is going on? Why aren't the pack of wolves we know as the mainstream press & media all over this catering deal subject?

Edited by Zappa
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