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Alistair Johnston to begin insolvency case against Rangers

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Bottom line, if Johnson has some evidence of wrongdoing, let him play his hand. I would welcome any further insight he can bring. All he's doing is sniping from the sidelines and playing to the gallery. We can well do without this.


You say we can well do without it, but what if Whyte's plan is to liquidate the club?

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The overdraft facility was in place to 31/12/2011 I believe. The real issue might have been whether the bank would have renewed it absent any European cash this season. But as I said previously they would have had to weigh withdrawing it and effectively putting the Club into adminstration against the public outcry that would have ensued. So I believe a compromise deal would have been put in place.


Fair enough. I don't know one way or the other if that is true.


Now that I am thinking about it, the way to get some of Whyte's concerns resolved would be to review the audited accounts. Surely he should be waiting until they come out before making this move?

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Bottom line, if Johnson has some evidence of wrongdoing, let him play his hand. I would welcome any further insight he can bring. All he's doing is sniping from the sidelines and playing to the gallery. We can well do without this.


I disagree.


What we can well do with IMHO is clarity on how Whyte paid off the debt and if he didn't use the season ticket money for it, where it has gone. All we have had up until now from him is obfuscation and attempts to deflect the questions by attacks on the credibility of those whom are quite rightly posing them.

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I disagree.


What we can well do with IMHO is clarity on how Whyte paid off the debt and if he didn't use the season ticket money for it, where it has gone. All we have had up until now from him is obfuscation and attempts to deflect the questions by attacks on the credibility of those whom are quite rightly posing them.


Sure, clarity is needed. But we wont have any until the tax tribunal reaches its verdict and until that is known, all of this is just playing around the edges.

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Now that I am thinking about it, the way to get some of Whyte's concerns resolved would be to review the audited accounts. Surely he should be waiting until they come out before making this move?


So you would think that Whyte would be moving heaven and earth to do just that; doesn't seem that way to me. Even now he is saying that the auditors will get the "majority" of the documents they need this week, why not all the documents and why is it taking so long. Do Rangers not have the relevant documents or is Mr Whyte just a tad reluctant to hand them over.

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So you would think that Whyte would be moving heaven and earth to do just that; doesn't seem that way to me. Even now he is saying that the auditors will get the "majority" of the documents they need this week, why not all the documents and why is it taking so long. Do Rangers not have the relevant documents or is Mr Whyte just a tad reluctant to hand them over.


All good questions.

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Sure, clarity is needed. But we wont have any until the tax tribunal reaches its verdict and until that is known, all of this is just playing around the edges.


And if the verdict goes in our favour then hmrc are going to appeal it which means a longer wait to see what happens? We are bouncing from one problem to the next :(

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Sure, clarity is needed. But we wont have any until the tax tribunal reaches its verdict and until that is known, all of this is just playing around the edges.


Two completely different issues. I agree that the future of the Club depends on the tax case but the details of the purchase and mortgaging the season ticket money are a different matter altogether and I don't agree that questions over £24M are


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Then we're fucked. But I haven't yet seen any tangible evidence that this is his intention.


He's said he saw buying the club as a business opportunity and when we align that with everything that's happened since he took over it's a stretch to suggest that he's on the level IMO.

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