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Traynors Latest On Whyte

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Is not the more important point here that if we have spent 70% or whatever of the next three season's ticket money on this year's expenditure, how are we going to finance the next three year's expenditure unless we keep rolling over or extending the debt further into the future; and isn't that a recipe for financial armageddon?


BTW I don't belive that's what has happeened at all, as BD has clearly demonstrated there was more than enough in the kitty for running expenses IF Mr Whyte had put up the money stated in the circular and not used the Ticketus money effectively to buy the Club.


As I said before, people work with assumptions - if not to say hearsay - here, for e.g. throwing the Ticketus deal about, a deal that was made after the takeover (and, as Whyte stated, it is not only common practise all over Britain, but was also done by the previous board - though not that long.)


At times, I really dispair how people go on and on with information fed by the press, but ignore what Whyte has stated already. As long as that remains the case and nigh all what Whyte says is regarded as dubious, there is no real basis for keeping a discussion or debate alife. Sure people will come out now and say that Whyte does not tell the truth and one has a right to ask questions and should not keep the head in the sand. But - really - the negativity surrounding all things Whyte - well bred and fed by the press over a long year now - has a hearty grip on many people and objectivity has long since disappeared in many a discussion. People, after being nose-lead by Murray & Co. over years, apparently transferred a good portion of this ill feelings to the new owner, being lead down the hysteria garden path by a malcontent media too. That plays exactly into the hands of all those who wish our club ill and makes a mockery of the well-known line "no-one likes, us; we don't care!". "We" care more about hearsay and assumptions from the outside than anything else these days. And that transpires onto the field of play and also affects the players and staff. Job well done ...

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