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Ally - First Decision This Morning

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Davis might be captain, but I would hope that Bocanegra takes up more responsibilities in that department and gives the players a good roasting when required.


Nobody seems to give anyone a roasting on the park nowadays. OK, it may happen in the dressing room at half/full-time but by then poor attitudes have already cost us goals.


It's about time we had someone to grab another player by the throat when they duck out of tackles or are lazy. McGregor used to do it but even he seems to have stopped his moaning. That might explain our increasing laziness at the back.

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Ally's first decision this morning - get on the phone to Jaager!!! Offer a similar deal to Aluko....till end of season, with extension options if he does well!!!


Bartley is clearly not a RB - where was he for the 2nd goal yesterday???


As for McMillan, according to reports, he knew that when Bartley was put into the RB slot ahead of him, there was no chance he'd get a game!!! I don't blame him either. If you believe your 3rd choice, and the first 2 choices get injured its only natural you expect to play, but when you get overlooked in order to play someone out of position, is it any wonder he felt enough was enough???

Edited by Darthter
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No offence mate but is this a joke??


You cant really want McCulloch anywhere near the team never mind the captain. The guy was finished before he came here and has only went down hill.


Definately.....McCulloch ain't the answer - to ANYTHING!!!

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I have been guilty of writing off McCulloch, Whittaker, Broadfoot and even Lafferty at times the last few season. But i feel with those guys all missing at the same time there seams to be a lack of.............heart, fight or just their presence in the team that's missing . Who would be a supporter hard business trying work out our arse from our elbow's.

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Ally's first decision in the morning should have been to sign up for a new season of Question of sport. He got given all the right answers there,and his jokes got everyone laughing. Now they only have the east-end laughing.:mad:

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