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Ally - First Decision This Morning

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I think our team lacks dig and certainly physical presence. Would McCulloch supply that? Probably (depending on where he plays) but his lack of pace and mobility may negate the qualities he does have.


I don't think anyone should be guaranteed a game in our team. That's one of the issues that has us where we are now. Guys like Papac, Goian, Davis and others have become lazy because of their status.


When people under-perform regularly, they should be dropped. That doesn't happen so poor performance becomes acceptable. It's not.

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That seems to be another one from the Walter Smith school of management along with playing people out of position.


There is some merit in McCulloch's inclusion for those reasons but where would you play him? In the middle with Edu hasn't gone well so do you stick him up front instead? Or drop Edu?


I know I'll get pelters for this but when Goian's form started to dip I'd have been tempted to play Weir if he was fit as he was one of the few players who always showed some fight and leadership on the pitch & seemed to take it personally when we lost.

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Id be looking at moving McCulloch back to his original position - upfront - for a few games while we are short, especially when Healy is our only option and hasnt performed well (even with no service). If we are going to lump high balls then McCulloch has more chance of winning them. Its far from ideal but it could work.


Bartley is a good centre half or holding midfielder, I wouldnt send him back to Arsenal for playing poorly at RB.


At RB, id be looking at trying Wallace there while Whittaker and Broadfoot are out. Full backs and wingers are capable of switching sides, Whittaker is far from my fave player but everytime Ive seen him play well its been when he covered at LB.

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Id be looking at moving McCulloch back to his original position - upfront - for a few games while we are short, especially when Healy is our only option and hasnt performed well (even with no service). If we are going to lump high balls then McCulloch has more chance of winning them. Its far from ideal but it could work.


Worth a try given yesterday's inadequacies.

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It makes the decision to get rid of McMillan a crazy one. He looks a far better RB than Bartley.


I do suspect that there were differences between the club and McMillan that might have let to him being sold rather than loaned. He's said to be a fiery character and there was probably a reason that he was not used as a first team player by now, despite his age (and injuries).


I'd get Jaager in to cover the right back slot. Bartley ain't a solution there, but we need him as back-up CH and defensive midfielder.


We desperately need a creative midfielder and another striker. The sooner these slots are filled, the better. And Ally should finally give McKay a game, he simply can't be worse than what Davis and Edu deliver time and again. ... they, btw, need a smart kick up the backside. You can't have a couple of good games, then get back to a level that makes us look like a pub team.


Davis might be captain, but I would hope that Bocanegra takes up more responsibilities in that department and gives the players a good roasting when required.

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Broadfoot and Whittaker will be fit again over the coming weeks so I'd fancy that's the reason Whyte didn't sanction a deal for Jaager.


Similarly, Lafferty will be fit again over the next week or two so that's why we didn't sign another striker.


One would have hoped others would have stepped up their game to achieve results in the interim but that's not the case.

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I do suspect that there were differences between the club and McMillan that might have let to him being sold rather than loaned. He's said to be a fiery character and there was probably a reason that he was not used as a first team player by now, despite his age (and injuries).



Agreed. I'm sure the contract rejection had something to do with it. Hadn't heard the bit about him being fiery.

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