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Leggo - The Rangers crisis and Craig Whyte

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THERE can be little doubt that the Rangers crisis is just thatâ?¦a crisis which is a real and present danger to the club.


However, there can also be little room for doubt that the difficulties which engulf the Ibrox club are not of current owner and chairman, Craig Whyteâ??s making.


Just how Rangers got into the state they are in is something which I shall turn my attention to tomorrow. And I can promise, I will name names and pull no punches.


For the moment the more immediate problem is to try and clarify just how Whyte intends to get Rangers out of the mess he inherited.


And that is where the crux of the problem really rests. For none of the business folk I have spoken to, can work out just what the Whyte blueprint is. Though many insist that there must be one, that Whyte must be working to a plan which will benefit both himself and Rangers.


The two are tied together. If, for instance, Whyteâ??s long term strategy is to sell Rangers and make a profit, then to do that he must make the club debt free. Or at worst, reduce the debt to a few million.


There would be nothing wrong in Whyte taking this course of action. After all, it is exactly what Fergus McCann did at Celtic and it worked a treat across the city.


The problem is that even business people, whose minds are more finely attuned to such matters than mine, cannot see how Whyte can achieve this without Rangers having to suffer some serious pain.


If they are right then, once again, that is not a problem of Whyteâ??s making, but the one he inherited.


But surely, it is better for Rangers to suffer such pain for a year or two if the club can then emerge stronger? Surely that is better than the uncertainty which has dogged Rangers for the past four years, to continue?


Whyte however, has another problem. That of perception. If some of Scotlandâ??s best business brains canâ??t work out what his game plan and his end plan is, then the man in the street has no chance of doing so, far less we hacks.


So, you are perfectly entitled to ask, why doesnâ??t Craig Whyte just come out and lay his game plan, his end plan, before the people?


It is not so simple. If Whyte did that then he would be revealing his hand. And, as I have said before, Whyte is a poker player from the top drawer.


To let the light shine on his plans would be to give the many dark and sinister forces which are anti Rangers and which have already worked and continue to, against the Ibrox club, a chance to block his scheme.


I make no claim of having even an inkling as to what that game plan, Whyteâ??s end plan, is, but for there not to be one in place makes no sense. Without it there would have been no point in his takeover of Rangers.


There would be nothing in it for him if there was nothing in it for Rangers. Think about that.


Which means, for the moment, Rangers supporters have no option other than to trust Craig Whyte and give him their support, even if it is muted and reluctant.


If they want someone on whom to vent their spleen, I will provide them with targets aplenty.







Edited by ian1964
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