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Goram calls for honesty.

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First Walter speaks out against the regime to the BBC, now Goram has followed suit.


Former Rangers keeper Andy Goram has backed the club's supporter's trust who have asked owner Craig Whyte to clarify how he is funding business at Ibrox.


Goram told BBC Scotland if Whyte was more honest with fans, it would help them understand the club's problems.


"We just want to know what's happening - that's the bottom line," said Goram.


"If he came out and told the truth and explained to the fans what was going on, it might ease the pain. It won't go away, but it might ease it."


The Rangers Supporters Trust released a statement on Wednesday to raise its concerns about the club's future and to request that Ibrox owner Whyte publicly clarify the financial situation to members, shareholders and the wider support.

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â??If he came out and told the truth and explained to the fans what was going on, it might ease the pain a bitâ?


Andy Goram Former Rangers goalkeeper


On Tuesday, Whyte denied using supporters' money to help finance his purchase of the club although admitted he had borrowed against future season ticket sales, but that the cash to buy Rangers from Sir David Murray came from his own company.


Former Hibs, Motherwell and Ibrox keeper Goram said that it was frustrating to read reports of Rangers financial troubles and watch Celtic sign new players while breaking clear of their city rivals at the top of the Scottish Premier League table.


"I'm coming at this from a fan, like everyone else," said Goram. "You can deal with something when you know what's going to thappen.


"You can't deal with the unknown.


"It's the whole situation, and the fact that Celtic are in a position to buy and spend money and get players in.


"We've not got a lot to choose from now - we got rid of five in the January window and only brought one in, so Ally is going to have to shuffle the pack - but I think he's seen it coming, and he'll change the way he plays."


However, despite Rangers surrendering a 15-point lead in the league title race and Celtic now leading at the top of the table by one point with a game in hand, Goram remains positive that his former club can pull off a surprise before the end of the season.


"I'm forever the optimist," said Goram. "We did it before under Walter Smith when Boyd and Miller left, but losing Nikica Jelavic is a bigger blow because we've not got the backup.


"It's going to be very difficult, but I don't think we can get any worse.


"Celtic have been fantastic - don't take anything away from them - they clawed back a 15-point gap.


"I don't know if they can get any better though. I'm sure they'll drop points and have their blip, but to be hanging on to their coat-tails is at this point in the season is bit of a bonus."

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He's really just mouthing what the fan groups are asking for, I don't see anything wrong with that.


I know I'd like to know a wee bit more, but if there's highly sensative material in there somewhere, surely it wouldn'd do any harm to let some fans representatives see for themselves and ease the whole fan base.


I do agree though, there's something afoot amongst the various factions.

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Weren't we calling for honesty and openness from the RST a few years back? We're still waiting...


In fact we're still waiting for more clarity about a financial scandal in the RST a year ago - and surely a certain resignation is still way overdue?


To me the old regime were a bunch of charlatans who treated us with no respect - I can't see why anyone would take them seriously. We will never get the truth from them - the only stuff they will come out with will be to advance their own agenda.

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