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Amazing what you can find on the net

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There used to be a day when folk spoke about football.


Ever since these businessmen have been investing in the game, supposedly to make a profit, it's all lawyers and finacial statements.


You can't half find some shite on the internet, true enough.

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Me no understand!


They have taken out a mortage on Lennoxtown , we can only wonder why as the money was raised by a share issue , ooops sorry they used the share issue money to reduce their debt , Lennoxtown was paid for by D Desmond

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They have taken out a mortage on Lennoxtown , we can only wonder why as the money was raised by a share issue , ooops sorry they used the share issue money to reduce their debt , Lennoxtown was paid for by D Desmond


Another one of The Dirty Des soft loans hid behind a mortage well I never.

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I'm not sure that this is particularly new. Celtic have had their loans from the Co-op secured for a number of years.


Their accounts say "The bank loans are secured over Celtic Park, land adjoining the stadium and at Westhorn and Lennoxtown."


I don't know why this form was produced but it seems to have been in place for at least 3 years prior to the date of the form.


As for Lennoxtown financing, it went through the Celtic accounts. I don't buy into the Desmond soft loans theory. I don't see what these alleged loans have been used for.

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