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Stuttering without substance

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I'm exceptionally concerned about our fortunes at the moment. Since Naismith got injured our form has been extremely scrappy at best, thoroughly poor at worst, and downright inconsistent.


Today's team was basically the strongest we have to field, with the exception of Lafferty and Naismith, and once again it struggled.


Aluko hasn't made any difference, apart from impressing a few people with some pace and trickery, and none of our other players, in a creative sense, seem willing or able to step up and impact on our performances.


In our last 10 matches we've only won 5. Put simply, that's not the form of a team anywhere near winning the league.


Since Naismith got injured, I've kept nagging on at McCoist to find an answer, to solve the absence of such an influential player. He hasn't come close to managing it - I don't fully blame him for failing to compensate for such a loss, but he is the man charged with our fortunes and the buck stops with him.


Add to that a host of top players who are completely out of form or patchy at best and this team is currently going nowhere.


My only positive about how we're doing right now is the form of Bocanegra and Wallace. Healy's wasted his last 2 opportunities to shine by being too profligate, Jelavic's touch is beyond horrible, McGregor has been been adequate (made quite a few uncharacteristic howlers this season) and no more, and Davis is only performing in small patches. Edu's done 'ok' but we need better than 'ok'.


Thankfully the rest of the SPL are pitifully horrendous beyond words otherwise we might not be so comfortable in second place as we are.

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I, for one am getting pretty sick & tired of hearing the "since we lost Naismith" line of excuses - the quote below sums up some of the performances and the problem within the team.


Healy's wasted his last 2 opportunities to shine by being too profligate, Jelavic's touch is beyond horrible, McGregor has been been adequate (made quite a few uncharacteristic howlers this season) and no more, and Davis is only performing in small patches. Edu's done 'ok' but we need better than 'ok'.


I very much doubt that Naismith's presence in the team is enough to miraculously turn everything about. The team as a whole are performing poorly - that may well of happened even if Naismith was playing. He is one player (all be it a cracking one..) out of 11 on the pitch!!! He isn't playing and won't be for a while....it's time that the fans & possibly players get over that fact, and get on with things!!!


The team that was playing today was filled with INTERNATIONAL class players.....the whole performance should not hinge on one player. EVERY other member of the team should be able to go out there and perform - after all that's what they are getting paid £1000's per week to do. If anyone else is under-performing @ work.....there are consequences - apparently not if your a footballer though!!!


I think the team/squad/management need to give themselves & everyone else a serious rocket up the ar$e

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To be honest I thought we done quite well today we were a shade unlucky not to win the game, the problem lies with our front two - Healy just isn't good enough for us and Jalavics pathetic attempts at lay offs for team mates was utter pish and the sooner he leaves the club the better also I'm wondering what McCoist sees in Wylde he simply can't cross a ball?


Aluko was taking corners today and was putting in some tasty efforts all the time, then on comes Wylde who took over that duty and his delivery was abysmal as usual. McCoist looks to have signed a good player in Celik, he now needs to bring in a prolific striker asap - if there are any available. I see Sandaza scored the winner for St Johnstone, he'll do for me, come on Ally...get into CW's office and demand he splash the cash ffs before he goes elsewhere.

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I think its all about the balance of our midfield. Ally seems afraid to change things when they're not working and leave players out of the side. Not sure why he's persisting with Wallace at LM and think its unfair on the lad, but something we seem to make a habit of. Davis has been out of sorts for a while, so add in an under-performing two from the other usual suspects and its no surprise we've been struggling. I think Aluko brings something to the side that we don't have in terms of pace, directness and is difficult to play against, but players like him are a bit of a luxury so you need to make sure you've got the right blend of more workmanlike players in there as well and someone creative in the middle.


Edu has done ok this season and looked quite good in spells, but that's all relative by his own low standards he's set. Davis has never been the most consistent, but this season he's particularly out of sorts. I've no idea how he was given the captaincy.


I know we don't see the players day to day in training, but I can't believe McKay, Ortiz, Fleck and Bedoya haven't featured more. Ness and Hutton are another pair who must be wondering what they have to do to get a chance (injuries notwithstanding).


Who knows what's going on with Jelavic, but its always a bad sign when we're relying on one player above all else to get us through games. Healy and Lafferty just aren't consistent enough and Laffs is another one who people seem to rave about when he starts doing what some would consider as being the minimum for a decent striker. I'd be tempted to see if Boyd would come back as we'd be stronger with him, even if he was just coming off the bench. Even if he does only score against the diddy teams, that would be a step back in the right direction given how this season is playing out.

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I only listened to the game on the radio and it sounded like we were battering at their goal, but just not getting through.


I'll be happy to see this Celik play as he gives the impression he's got a good shot on him, maybe similar to Albertz, who had an exceptional record against Hibs, next weeks opposition.


The title is not lost just yet, although we're not best placed, we can still win through.

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I only listened to the game on the radio and it sounded like we were battering at their goal, but just not getting through.


I'll be happy to see this Celik play as he gives the impression he's got a good shot on him, maybe similar to Albertz, who had an exceptional record against Hibs, next weeks opposition.


Of course we can still win this league but the players seriously need to lift their game and start fighting for each other and get involved and that's for all the players to do!

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We're not the only big club to be stuttering and going through a rough patch. Chelsea for example, with one of the highest wage bills in England bought Torres for what was it, £50m? and he couldn't score in a brothel. Chelsea have dropped 11 points since Dec 17th due to 4 draws and a loss. Their top scorer is a midfielder!!


I'm not trying to make excuses, but all teams go through rough patches.


What I WILL say is that I think Ally needs to create more competition for places in our midfield by sending a clear signal to the under-performing players that they won't get automatic starts if they aren't doing the business on the park. No idea why we've sent Fleck on loan when he could have been here competing for a place on the team sheet and puting our central midfielders under pressure to perform to the best of their ability.


Also agree with others that Wallace really isn't the answer at LM. I'm thinking Ally is going to give the new lad Mervan a chance there.


The manager also needs to give McMillan a chance at RB if we don't sign this Estonian guy Jaager.


We desperately need a good striker and if Jela is sold we'll need 2 strikers coming in before the end of the month.


So yes, we DO have some problems and Ally is going to have to sort them out.

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We're not the only big club to be stuttering and going through a rough patch. Chelsea for example, with one of the highest wage bills in England bought Torres for what was it, £50m? and he couldn't score in a brothel. Chelsea have dropped 11 points since Dec 17th due to 4 draws and a loss. Their top scorer is a midfielder!!



Then Chelsea are also stuttering without substance and will struggle to get anywhere.


We're both in similar boats in astonishingly different seas.

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Then Chelsea are also stuttering without substance and will struggle to get anywhere.


I think we DO have substance in this Rangers squad. As I said, I think Ally just needs to create a bit more competition for places in certain areas. As I also said, we clearly need another striker (two if Jela leaves).

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We ARE stuttering without substance...Jela is unhappy at Ibrox that is known, and it's having a detrimental affect on the WHOLE team, I've already said this till I'm BLUE in the face, Rangers want him out for as much money as possible, but to hold out until the last minute could affect where the league medals end up.

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