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It could easily be argued that Aluko has been in better form than Jelavic since he came in. In fact, you would be hard pushed to suggest he hasnt. Now, Jelavic HAS proven himself so I can see why people wouldnt want to lose him. But, likewise, there is every chance that Aluko could, too, prove himself given the start to his Rangers career.


You say that he is easily replaced if we lost him. But given he is a natural left footed player (IMO playing on the right only because Naismith isnt there, otherwise he would be the LM, IMO) and given we have tried a number of others in that position this season (Wallace, Wylde, Papac....) I think that Aluko would make LM his own pretty swiftly. Personally I think he has more going for him than Wylde so he is one I would prefer to keep.


I am not as convinced as you are that he would be easily replaced given our current financial predicament as well as the fact that he has cost us nothing other than wages.


Opinions though, eh ?


Dont deny his performances have been a bit better than Jela's. But the big man is still scoring goals to win us games. And whilst Aluko has maybe been a 7/10 performer since he came here, it is magnified by the fact that the team in general have been about a 5. I expect the guys with better quality, like Jela, to come to the fore and their talents would be harder to replace.


He's been decent enough (aluko that is) but nothing special that leaves me wondering how we'd replace him. I'm not convinced Coisty would start him when everyone is fit so it's not a great concern replacing what would be a back up player in the summer.


Two things he is also suffering from at the minute are poor decision making. I.e. holding onto the ball too much, not releasing at times, wanting to take on one man more. And an inability to hit the byline playing on the right, which he may do if he got a game on the left. The former could be corrected with more game time in any case.

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It took Naismith nearly 4 years to get to that level and you are asking Aluko to do it in 10 minutes.


I'm not asking Aluko to do anything, I'm disagreeing with the majority who seem to imply he IS at that level already!


Just one question because I can't be bothered looking it up but has Aluko actually played in a losing team apart from the tims. He missed 2 and was a second half sub on one game if I remember right.


We lost away to Killie with him in the side.

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Dont deny his performances have been a bit better than Jela's. But the big man is still scoring goals to win us games. And whilst Aluko has maybe been a 7/10 performer since he came here, it is magnified by the fact that the team in general have been about a 5. I expect the guys with better quality, like Jela, to come to the fore and their talents would be harder to replace.


How many of those goals this season from Jelavic have been penalties ? Goals win games I dont disagree - but his form has been very poor. Some will assert that this is due to the poor play around him (rightly so IMO). If Aluko is playing at a 7 whilst his team-mates are playing at a 5 there is no saying that he could be playing at an 8 or a 9 when they too hit form.


His performances could also get better simply because he is still building an understanding with his new team-mates. I think it is too early to judge him to be honest - he needs a run of games for a period of time to determine whether he is the desired quality, but the initial signs are good.


Lest we forget that there were plenty who were happy enough to let Charlie Adam leave (not you...) only to see him flourish down south. We wouldnt want to make the same mistake with Aluko would we (or any other player for that matter).


He's been decent enough (aluko that is) but nothing special that leaves me wondering how we'd replace him. I'm not convinced Coisty would start him when everyone is fit so it's not a great concern replacing what would be a back up player in the summer.


He has been our most creative player by an absolute country mile. Now, you may think that is because the others have been dross, but it still doesnt change the fact he has been out most creative, and best, player since he came in. We will have to agree to disagree on the "when all are fit" argument. I think that McCoist would shuft Aluko to LM with Naismith RM when all were fit, with Wallace moving to LB to replace Papac (if Sasa doesnt sign a new deal...). Ally doesnt seem to want to play Wylde right now so I think that Aluko would be played RM (unless we sign someone else, but on current squad I personally think Aluko WOULD start when all are fit).


Two things he is also suffering from at the minute are poor decision making. I.e. holding onto the ball too much, not releasing at times, wanting to take on one man more. And an inability to hit the byline playing on the right, which he may do if he got a game on the left. The former could be corrected with more game time in any case.


Sorry, I simply cant agree that he has shown an "inability to hit the byline playing on the right" - there have been PLENTY of instances of this happening since he signed with us. Numerous times he has hit that byline and got his body between player and ball making it difficult for the opponent to tackle him.


We dont have, nor are we ever likely to have, the perfect player. Decision-making will come with game time as will releasing the ball. Timely release of the ball is also dependent on having options and we all know that our team has, for the most part this season, been static. That makes it difficult for anyone (not just Aluko) to release the ball if he has no options. But with game time and an increased understanding of how his team-mates operate will improve that.

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Every winger in history blows hot and cold and as I said Aluko is just in the door. Absolutely crazy to be judging him before he has settled in. Even Sebo got longer before the daggers were out.


I don't have any daggers, and I'm not seeing any from S_A either. We're just not exactly ejaculating over Aluko's performances as some seem to be. I like him, he's been decent and he certainly hasn't been a failure. But imho some are utterly over rating his influence on the team.

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No one is making out that Aluko has been a sensation but he's been impressive, more than the others, in the games that he's played in. He's been our best player in a number of games.


I'd say 'bordering' on impressive rather than outright impressive. But yes, he's probably been our most potent attacking threat - which isn't saying much at all really given how much we've struggled.

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I'm not asking Aluko to do anything, I'm disagreeing with the majority who seem to imply he IS at that level already!


I havent seen one single person say that Aluko is at Naismith's current level. Not one.


We lost away to Killie with him in the side.


Was that his debut ? I cant remember to be honest.

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I'd say 'bordering' on impressive rather than outright impressive. But yes, he's probably been our most potent attacking threat - which isn't saying much at all really given how much we've struggled.


I dont think there is necessarily a correlation there.


The team could struggle is 10 players are out of sorts - the other "most potent attacking threat" could be putting in world class performances, but his team-mates are struggling.


There doesnt need to be a correlation.

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I havent seen one single person say that Aluko is at Naismith's current level. Not one.


You're right, that's why I said 'imply'. The fawning over his performances is slightly OTT imo.


Was that his debut ? I cant remember to be honest.


Yes it was. We also lost to St Mirren with him in the side in the second half.

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I dont think there is necessarily a correlation there.


The team could struggle is 10 players are out of sorts - the other "most potent attacking threat" could be putting in world class performances, but his team-mates are struggling.


There doesnt need to be a correlation.


What I meant was he's the best of a bad bunch right now. As S_A put it he's a 7/10 while the rest are about 5.

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