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Is the Jelly Set...on Leaving?

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Why wouldnt he be flattered ? Liverpool are steeped in history and, in terms of the EPL, are on the up presently with their new-ish owners. We should hold out for the 35 mill that they paid for that dumpling Carroll though :devil:


Jelavic, when actually trying..... is a better player than Carroll.

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Why wouldnt he be flattered ? Liverpool are steeped in history and, in terms of the EPL, are on the up presently with their new-ish owners. We should hold out for the 35 mill that they paid for that dumpling Carroll though :devil:


Jelavic, when actually trying..... is a better player than Carroll.


We'd bite their hand off for even a 3rd of what they paid for Carroll, but I've got to say that we're in a serious position of power if we play Jelavic in the next 2 games and tell him to get his finger out if he really wants a big move because if he turns it on again and bangs in a couple of nice goals in each game people down south will sit up and notice. The thing about the EPL clubs this January is that nearly all of them are looking for a striker, with one or two clubs even needing more than one striker due to injuries etc. If Jela gets his finger out and we play our cards right at the negotiating table I actually think we could break a Scottish record with the sale of Jelavic. Then again, if he's actually got a groin injury he might be going nowhere....

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Team wants player, we don't need to sell, means buying club have to pay more. I think £8m might just seal it, anything less imo would be a disappointment.


As for the blog, he may well be uninterested but the service he has been getting recently and support from others on the pitch, means that I can't blame him for having his mind away from the pitch however he is a professional and should do his job correctly.

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Team wants player, we don't need to sell, means buying club have to pay more. I think £8m might just seal it, anything less imo would be a disappointment.


As for the blog, he may well be uninterested but the service he has been getting recently and support from others on the pitch, means that I can't blame him for having his mind away from the pitch however he is a professional and should do his job correctly.

Jelavic knew what he was coming into regarding SPL with Rangers...am fed up with these players who use Rangers for a ticket into the EPL, the guy's attitude was "ah canny dae this, gonny get me oota here".


If you can't handle it in a supposedly poor league then the transfer value drops. Jelavic couldn't handle it, so 6.5m is double money. Grab it.

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Jelavic knew what he was coming into regarding SPL with Rangers...am fed up with these players who use Rangers for a ticket into the EPL, the guy's attitude was "ah canny dae this, gonny get me oota here".


If you can't handle it in a supposedly poor league then the transfer value drops. Jelavic couldn't handle it, so 6.5m is double money. Grab it.


I am not sure that 6.5 mill is double 4 mill;) but as someone said we do not have to sell so I would be disappointed with that. 7.5 minimum

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Why wouldnt he be flattered ? Liverpool are steeped in history and, in terms of the EPL, are on the up presently with their new-ish owners. We should hold out for the 35 mill that they paid for that dumpling Carroll though :devil:


Jelavic, when actually trying..... is a better player than Carroll.


Carroll has literally one strength, his heading, which is arguably the best in Britain. Problem is that relies on crosses and lots of aerial balls which Liverpool do NOT do. Lack of that service has exposed the incredible average nature of the rest of his game. In fact, I'd argue that he's even more limited than Kris Boyd.


What Dalglish was doing playing him alone up front against City is beyond me.

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