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I was ecstatic when Murray Park opened, now, I'm not so sure. Seems to be more like a holiday camp than a training ground. All I every read is how well the players are treated.


I'll be over the moon if Rangers win tonight, a bit surprised as well, but I believe it can happen. Alternatively, if it doesn't happen, I'll be getting on with things I have to in my life. Rangers will come good again, I'm rather surprised we've won 3iar, but now we're looking amaturish and generally shite.


I can't do anytning about my negativity, I was hoping Ally could do something about the players neagativity, but it's not looking good.


I await the change.

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Gersnet has always been a site where posters offer constructive criticism rather than knee-jerk reactions or just giving individuals pelters for the sake of it. A common theme on here for as long as I can remember has been the feeling that we as a club have been papering over the cracks for years by nature of our SPL title wins.

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From Craig Whyte's takeover which was meant to herald a new beginning all we have seen is bailiffs at Ibrox , and a near weekly appearance at the courts defending some unpaid bill or other , now Mr Whyte may be some sort of financial genius and I give him credit for at least taking us on , but we appear to be heading in one direction only and to be brutally honest I dont see how we will recover in the short term , how I wish ill of the bastard Murray and all his seed .


Whyte and his true intentions is without a doubt the major worry for me. He said in that well-known STV interview that we should make no mistake, he seen buying the club as a business opportunity, but to me there isn't a business opportunity to be had in buying Rangers if you have the club's best interests at heart because the club needs cash injection, not cash withdrawl. Even if he could turn the business around by slashing wage bills and having Ali Russell do wonders for the club in a commercial sense, profit-making football clubs generally don't win anything in today's game. So what's his REAL plan for Rangers?

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