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Kris Boyd or Kenny Miller?

Boyd or Miller?  

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  1. 1. Boyd or Miller?

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Was going to leave this thread alone because I'm obviously the main cause of the stooshie with my views of Boyd, BUT it's the last day of work have a shitload of reports and returns to finish and I'm looking for any excuse not to do them.


When Boyd first came to Rangers I thought he was the second coming, could see him surpassing Ally he was a natural goal scorer and when he worked on his game and improved his all round play he and Rangers would be unstoppable. The months and years pass and he shows no inclination to work on his game, happy just to wander about up front and let the rest of the team do the work, but he scores goals I hear you scream and yes he does but if you take off your Boyd tinted specs and actually remember back to him playing he would go on goal bursts for 4 or 5 games then go on a wee goal drought and it's in these droughts because of his lack of workrate that we ended up playing with ten men on most of the occasions.


You then have the way he left, for all his faults he could still have left a hero with the best wishes of 100% of the support but again no he had to do it his way, he knew he was leaving long before it actually happened and he worked his ticket for the benefit of Boyd and not the club, that left a bad taste in my mouth.


Finally before I get, you just hate him and have never liked him if I could work out how to post pics on here with an IPad I would let you see the signed pair of his boots that he scored his 100th SPL goal with that I own. I've even spoke to Kris a couple of times and he's a nice guy but he lives in the Boyd bubble and listens to no one but himself. One of the things I can't stand in life is people who don't want to reach their full potential with their God given talents it infuriates me and Kris Boyd falls right into that category. So for all those reasons no I don't want him back he's not changed he never will he had the chance to have his name spoken with awe at Ibrox and he blew it, so thanks for the goals Kris if nothing else but go and play somewhere else please.


Hope that helps you understand my views on Kris Boyd and 54AC I you must know I prefer pampers. :D


Perhaps Santa will bring you some nice handkerchiefs you will be able to dry your eyes with them. :santa:

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Was going to leave this thread alone because I'm obviously the main cause of the stooshie with my views of Boyd, BUT it's the last day of work have a shitload of reports and returns to finish and I'm looking for any excuse not to do them.


When Boyd first came to Rangers I thought he was the second coming, could see him surpassing Ally he was a natural goal scorer and when he worked on his game and improved his all round play he and Rangers would be unstoppable. The months and years pass and he shows no inclination to work on his game, happy just to wander about up front and let the rest of the team do the work, but he scores goals I hear you scream and yes he does but if you take off your Boyd tinted specs and actually remember back to him playing he would go on goal bursts for 4 or 5 games then go on a wee goal drought and it's in these droughts because of his lack of workrate that we ended up playing with ten men on most of the occasions.


You then have the way he left, for all his faults he could still have left a hero with the best wishes of 100% of the support but again no he had to do it his way, he knew he was leaving long before it actually happened and he worked his ticket for the benefit of Boyd and not the club, that left a bad taste in my mouth.


Finally before I get, you just hate him and have never liked him if I could work out how to post pics on here with an IPad I would let you see the signed pair of his boots that he scored his 100th SPL goal with that I own. I've even spoke to Kris a couple of times and he's a nice guy but he lives in the Boyd bubble and listens to no one but himself. One of the things I can't stand in life is people who don't want to reach their full potential with their God given talents it infuriates me and Kris Boyd falls right into that category. So for all those reasons no I don't want him back he's not changed he never will he had the chance to have his name spoken with awe at Ibrox and he blew it, so thanks for the goals Kris if nothing else but go and play somewhere else please.


Hope that helps you understand my views on Kris Boyd and 54AC I you must know I prefer pampers. :D


I think most people voted for Miller so I would say most people agree with you. I personally backed away from the argument as Boyd threads probably have more space on this website than any other subject. You hit the nail on the head when you said that Boyd only thinks of himself and that is how the Rangers team played at that time. I do SFA and you guys lay the chances on a plate for me. When Boyd was playing he was the only one scoring goals. The year after he left when Millar and Jelavic took over there were goals coming from everywhere,even the midfield.


The dressing room mutiny against PLG was another point I have totally no respect for the guy and I still find it unfortunate Murray didn't have the balls to oust Ferguson and chums. We may even have been able to develop Charlie Adam ourselves in central midfield if Captain loser had not run the roost.

Do I want him back. Not a chance! There are better players out there who can score and also play for the team. If Jelavic goes we can probably find 2 or 3 players for the money we get to form a team not to boost the ego of Kris Boyd.

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Oh dear the words of a malcontent who has realised he has not and never did have any valid points. :grin:


Better make that two rolls you defo going to need them at this rate, when you start making any valid points just let me know because I'm still waiting.


Have a nice Christmas. :thup:

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Better make that two rolls you defo going to need them at this rate, when you start making any valid points just let me know because I'm still waiting.


Have a nice Christmas. :thup:


At this rate Santa will need to bring you a new shovel too, you certainly do like digging, if I were you I would quit while I was well behind, lol.

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