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Rangers star Maurice Edu has luxury Range Rover impounded

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Well it's illegal to drive while on the phone, I don't know anything about the license thing, he may not have been driving since he moved here, but if he's broken the law, he has to answer to the courts like anyone else.


I also shocked at his car being confiscated, that should cost him a couple of hunderd to get back, which is one of the great daylight robbery cons of the modern era.

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Well it's illegal to drive while on the phone, I don't know anything about the license thing, he may not have been driving since he moved here, but if he's broken the law, he has to answer to the courts like anyone else.


I also shocked at his car being confiscated, that should cost him a couple of hunderd to get back, which is one of the great daylight robbery cons of the modern era.


If he doesn't have a UK license he won't be insured.

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I don't know the circumstances Ian, but you'd have to say that the club has set him up with this motor and they're culpable to some extent in this silly mess.


He might get banned before even getting a license. lol

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Surely someone at Rangers should be making sure all the foreign players have all their paperwork in order. Noticed they never tagged all the Septic player who have been charged with driving offences, on at the end.


Stopped at 10.25 on way to training when the f*#k does training start at Auchenhowie.


Yes that is a lot more telling than anything else, and they have the cheek to take the title of professional athletes, big shake up in training regime required, what exactly do the coaches get handsomely paid for ?

For those struggling to make ends meet and pay for their games it does not make good reading.

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Also, Rangers (or someone at Rangers) could be charged with cause and permit (allowing Edu to drive knowing he didn't have a full UK license) but only if they knew about the 12 months thing.


It's a huge fuck up by someone.

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A lecturer of mine at college 6 years ago worked there & he said training was 11-1, with after lunch sessions/classes being optional. Probably changed now though.


Surely not. That is night on criminal to have just two hours training a day with afternoon sessions optional. No wonder they cant make simple 5 yard passes. That is stupidity.


Have them working on their fitness in the morning for a couple of hours and then have MANDATORY ballwork in the afternoon.


For the wages they get paid they should be training ALL day.

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Driving other in accordance with your license means your insurance is void (if he had any in the 1st place). Not a great day for him as it could result in him being a disqualified driver until test passed. Looks like his partner will be the driver for a while yet.


Rangers and Edu should've known about the 12 month license thing. Poor effort from the club.


But that article/report doesnt say that Edu DOESNT have his UK licence. It just states what the rules are for US citizens - or am I missing something ?

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But that article/report doesnt say that Edu DOESNT have his UK licence. It just states what the rules are for US citizens - or am I missing something ?


If Edu does have a valid UK license then the cops wouldn't have seized his vehicle. They did which means he hasn't got one. Someone coming from America to drive her can drive on their US license for 12 months then they MUST get a UK license. Edu obviously hasn't bothered his arse but he's not completely to blame as he won't know the law when it comes to that. Someone at Rangers should've informed him of the law!

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