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Rangers star Maurice Edu has luxury Range Rover impounded

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RANGERS player Maurice Edu had his luxury Range Rover impounded by cops yesterday.


The American midfielder was pulled over on his way to training after traffic officers allegedly spotted himusing his mobile phone behind the wheel.


And after examining the Gers starâ??s licence, they immediately confiscated the white 4x4. As a result, it is understood Edu was more than an hour late for training and had to be dropped off at Murray Park, in Milngavie, near Glasgow, by his partner.


American citizens are allowed to drive in the UK on their US licence for 12 months.


But after that, they are legally required to have a UK licence.


That means the driver has to apply for a provisional licence and then pass a driving test.


Edu, 25, has lived in Scotland since the summer of 2008 when former Rangers boss Walter Smith signed him from Toronto FC for £2.7million.


The player was last night unavailable for comment.


A spokeswoman for Strathclyde Police said: â??Around 10.25am, police officers stopped a car on Crow Road, Glasgow.


â??As a consequence, the 25-year-old male driver will now be the subject of a report to the procurator fiscal in connection with alleged road traffic offences.â?



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Surely someone at Rangers should be making sure all the foreign players have all their paperwork in order. Noticed they never tagged all the Septic player who have been charged with driving offences, on at the end.


Stopped at 10.25 on way to training when the f*#k does training start at Auchenhowie.

Edited by GovanAllan
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Surely someone at Rangers should be making sure all the foreign players have all their paperwork in order. Noticed they never tagged all the Septic player who have been charged with driving offences, on at the end.


Stopped at 10.25 on way to training when the f*#k does training start at Auchenhowie.


A lecturer of mine at college 6 years ago worked there & he said training was 11-1, with after lunch sessions/classes being optional. Probably changed now though.

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I think the SFA beaks are thinking of a 4-game ban as we write. I mean ... this US citizen actually endangered Scottish people! No matter whether that happens on the field of play or beyond! Scandalous! ... now wait, there is a flaw. For that ruling would mean that most players of the Hooped Horrors are not included. Hm ...

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Driving other in accordance with your license means your insurance is void (if he had any in the 1st place). Not a great day for him as it could result in him being a disqualified driver until test passed. Looks like his partner will be the driver for a while yet.


Rangers and Edu should've known about the 12 month license thing. Poor effort from the club.

Edited by Gazza_8
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