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Rangers ace Steven Naismith told to snub Team GB

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Cal, I can't be bothered quoting your 1st sentence in post number 16 but I reckon a lot of Scottish people will watch the football at The Olympics but not because of they want to watch players who play for the club they support but because it's a game of football and they're having withdrawl symptoms.

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Cal, I can't be bothered quoting your 1st sentence in post number 16 but I reckon a lot of Scottish people will watch the football at The Olympics but not because of they want to watch players who play for the club they support but because it's a game of football and they're having withdrawl symptoms.


Euro's are before the Olympics aren't they? Also our season would have started I think but need to double check.

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Euro's are before the Olympics aren't they? Also our season would have started I think but need to double check.


The Olympics start at the end of July/start of August I think so our season will have started or just about to anyway. That said, there's people out there who'll watch any sort of football.

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The Olympics start at the end of July/start of August I think so our season will have started or just about to anyway. That said, there's people out there who'll watch any sort of football.


I'll probably watch it but yeah not going. Argentina, Spain and Brazil will probably be head and shoulders above everybody.

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It won't be a large Scottish audience, that's for sure. There may be a lot of English people watching who don't know much about football though. That will increase quite a bit if GB get to the semis. I don't think the quality of the audience will match the quantity and I doubt it will help any overage players' careers in any way with regards to transfers.




Players can do what they like but like anyone they should think about all the aspects and repercussions. That Tartan Army guy is an arsehole but that doesn't mean there isn't still a tangible threat to our national team. There is also the chance of him relapsing his injury for a meaningless competition so I see double standards when it comes to Rangers players being injured playing for Scotland. For me, I can't see why an overage play WOULD wish to participate unless his career is severely flagging. I was annoyed at Moore and would be annoyed at Naismith - the latter for multiple reasons.




I completely disagree with the spokesman's attitude although he does have a point which he makes excruciatingly badly. If we want to protect our national team - the one which held the first international in the world, then we have to be careful and avoid GB teams - especially for a meaningless competition.




I do agree with you here, but I do find them far more significant than our players playing in a GB team in the Olympics.




If he goes and is not picked, it won't do his reputation any good from many angles.


I think the backlash for the idiot Hamish guy has clouded the judgements of the real issue - protecting our national team. The bonus is our players not being at risk of injury at the most meaningless football competition in existence but that also seems to have not been addressed by many of the comments.


If people can't help themselves over the Unionist stuff then they can always support England - it wouldn't be much different from a UK team with regard to the players that are picked...


Just because we're Rangers fans, some are Unionist and most hate the SFA and the TA, doesn't mean we should turn our backs on our national team.

That's the point. What if - just suppose IF - we were forced to unite as a UK team for Fifa, is that what we Scots, including Rangers fans, would want. I definitely wouldn't. But I also think it's disgraceful for anyone to boycott a player when he is playing for Scotland. Edited by alexscottislegend
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Jamie Mackie, Naismith and now James Forrest have all spoken in favour of playing for team GB. But only Naismith's comments have been viewed negatively.


Odd that.

Sorry you're wrong. Mackie and Forrest both were savaged on the TA website, one for being English, the other because he plays for Celtic and how dare he not play for Scotland.
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Sorry you're wrong. Mackie and Forrest both were savaged on the TA website, one for being English, the other because he plays for Celtic and how dare he not play for Scotland.


Didn't see that, fair enough. I stand corrected. But it didn't make the media in the way Naismith's comments did.

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