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Take no pay till March

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CASH-STRAPPED Hearts have begged their players to go without wages for another FOUR months.


SunSport can reveal the stunned squad were asked this week if they'd be willing to wait until MARCH to receive their outstanding salaries.


In return owner Vladimir Romanov would pay them an extra percentage on top of all the salary payments they would be due then.


The request was thrown out by fuming Jambos stars, who have now been left out of pocket since November 4.


But worried players fear they will have to wait until then anyway, with no sign of wages from Romanov forthcoming any time soon.


Morale at Riccarton is at an all-time low as the players look for outside help in a bid to address the situation.


Now players' union PFA Scotland has stepped in to ask for assistance from the SFA and SPL as the Tynecastle crisis deepens.


The squad had hoped to meet SPL chief executive Neil Doncaster to express their worries in person.


But the league insist they cannot intervene in the matter unless players sign a collective complaint asking them to do so.


An official said: "Under the standard SPL player's contract, the SPL has the power to adjudicate on any complaint made by a player or players.


"To date, no complaint has been received by the SPL in relation to any Hearts player."


But PFA Scotland chief executive Fraser Wishart says the authorities must get involved and support the unpaid players.


He said: "The expectation is that our members simply continue to turn up for training and games as normal without any sign of being paid.


"It is to their credit that they have done so in recent months. Rather than being weak, this takes strength and shows care for the club's future.


"There is, however, a growing anger, frustration and a feeling of isolation amongst the players.


"Our members ask for the governing bodies to intervene and help resolve this matter.


"They have an obligation to the integrity of the game and it is imperative that from this aspect our members are paid.


"There is no wish to take legal action against the club and we agree that it is in everyone's interest that Hearts get to January and raise revenue by selling players.


"But it cannot be right that a club can demand a transfer fee for a player who it cannot pay. The club is in clear breach of our members' contracts."


Read more: http://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/scotsol/homepage/sport/spl/3987861/Jambos-beg-stars-to-wait-for-cash.html#ixzz1fzj59EzC

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FURIOUS Players' Union chief Fraser Wishart last night demanded the SFA and SPL break cover and take hard-hitting action against Hearts for their failure to pay top-team stars' wages.


And PFA Scotland supreme Wishart has warned the Hampden powers-that-be and Hearts owner Vladimir Romaonov that failure to resolve this issue will lead to open revolt.


Failure to stump up monies due could result in the Gorgie club being sued, players ripping up their deals and walking away in January for nothing and UEFA being informed that Hearts are not fit to hold a club license and subsequently be banned from Europe.


The players have not been paid November's wages and have little hope of getting December's money in their banks before Christmas.Now Wishart has finally come out and pleaded for the governing body to use the powers they hold to ride to the rescue of the players.


Wishart has warned Hampden chiefs that they have a duty of care for the players and dithering will no longer be tolerated.And he's also told Hearts it would be "immoral" for them to try and sell players in January who they have been unable to pay for two months.


The expectation is that our members simply continue to turn up for training and games as normal without any sign of being paid



Fraser Wishart



Wishart blasted: "The expectation is that our members simply continue to turn up for training and games as normal without any sign of being paid.


"It is to their credit that they have done so in recent months and, rather than being weak, this takes strength and shows a care for the future of the club.


"There is however a growing anger, frustration and a feeling of isolation amongst the players.Our members ask for the governing bodies to intervene and help resolve this matter.


"The governing bodies have an obligation to the integrity of the game in this country and it is imperative that from this aspect our members are paid.They are subject to huge pressure financial from their families.


"Add to that pressure from the fans who simply want their club to survive and pressures from the club to maintain standards and fulfill fixtures.The players have been exemplary in their professionalism. The current situation however is unacceptable and cannot continue.


"Players sign standard contracts which are registered with the governing bodies. As part of this contract players also have to adhere to the registration processes put in place by the governing bodies.The governing bodies also adjudicate upon any disputes and are responsible. There is therefore a care of duty to ensure that these very contracts are being honoured."


Wishart says that the SPL and SFA have the power to step in and act with both organistaions having rules that deal with this kind of issue.To date the SFA and SPL have kept a wtching brief, but Wishart is fed-up and says Hearts players are now close to revolt.


He added: "We have members who require specialist medical treatment or operations.Those who do play face the risk of being injured and affecting their career.We would question whether morally it is right to continue to ask a player to risk injury with no prospect of being paid.


“Our members wish is quite simple; they want to be paid their wages.There is no wish to take legal action against the club and we agree that it is in everyone’s interest that Hearts get to January and raise revenue by selling players.


"It cannot be right though that a club can demand a transfer fee for a player who it cannot pay as there are no signs that the club can guarantee to fulfill the terms of the contract.The longer our members go without pay the more likely that many will look to use the terms of their contract and the FIFA Regulations.


"The club is in clear breach of our members‚ contracts and players are now looking at their contractual position.”



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I always thought Romanov was going to be bad for Hearts, the fact he's dragging Scottish football down as well is something the SFA, and SPL should begin to find a way to stop. Instead of concentrating on Rangers' owner so much.

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