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Lovenkrands eyeing a move away from Newcastle in January

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Newcastle's Peter Lovenkrands is looking to leave in January.


The Denmark international, 31, has made just one Premier League start this season and is keen for more games.


He said: '(Manager) Alan Pardew would like to extend my contract, and there have been talks about doing it, but I canâ??t wait for that.


'In January, I can talk to whoever I want, so my agent is working to find me another club.'


Lovenkrands signed for the Magpies in January 2009 and left when his contract expired at the end of that season. But he returned for a second spell and signed a three-year deal in September 2009.


The Dane spent six years with Rangers and three years in Germany with Schalke before moving to Tyneside.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2056815/Peter-Lovenkrands-eyeing-away-Newcastle-January.html#ixzz1fQ7or9Ab

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If he were to come back to Ibrox, he'd have to take a big drop in wages, but I'd say he'd be more welcome than the Beattie signing.


I doubt he'll return though.

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I have a bit of a Groucho Marx attitude towards this type of thing - if a player who left because he thought he was too good for us and then wants to come back it means he's not good enough for us now.


IE we should refuse any player who desperately wants to rejoin our club.

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I have a bit of a Groucho Marx attitude towards this type of thing - if a player who left because he thought he was too good for us and then wants to come back it means he's not good enough for us now.


IE we should refuse any player who desperately wants to rejoin our club.


He left because we didn't pay him enough.

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His best spell for us was as a striker during the Villarreal last 16 season. He became top scorer in the league supported by Tommy Buffel in the hole. That partnership was lethal for us.


But Eck saw fit to then put him back on the left wing where he again became ineffective.


The guy's a striker.

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