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and there-in lies the problem - he's never fit!!!

Hopefully 6-months away from the Rangers doctors will get him sorted out & some regular playing time!!!


Come on,you can't seriously be blaming the club doctors for his injuries?

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I don't think Ness features in Ally's plans. Got a feeling he'll be sold in the summer and go on to make a good name for himself.


If he stays fit and plays well for County I can't see him being sold, he's the best prospect we've had for years and would cost us nothing.

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If he stays fit and plays well for County I can't see him being sold, he's the best prospect we've had for years and would cost us nothing.


Fleck was a great prospect look what happened to him. Call me cynical but I think Rangrs staff talk up some of our younger players to give the fans hope. I do like Ness, he looks a better player than Fleck so I'm hoping we keep hold of him although how long do you give a guy who doesn't stay fit?

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