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All Transfer Rumours and silly season stuff

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You are not reading what I am saying. Either that or you just dont agree, which is fair enough.


There's always different ways of looking at something, so I think it's just that I'm looking at it differently to the way you're looking at it. No big deal. :)

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A story on twitter that CW is leaving and that Jim McColl is coming in to take control and deal with HMRC. I wish!


That rumour is nonsense. Started by a smart arse who's always going on fishing trips....

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Why not create a thread where anything goes, something like 'Anything you want to talk about thread that cant be moved or deleted' then der Berliner cant possibly complain? Then again, on second thoughts.....


Since the pages are not that long on here, the "problem" is that you have a look here and want to find a rumour et al, only to scan three or four pages of essentially non-related babble ere finding a related snippet.


Honduran midfielder Jorge Claros, aka "The Pitbull", claims he is on his way from Motagua to Rangers and reveals that he has spoken to Celtic full-back Emilio Izaguirre about the move. (Daily Express)


Experienced Estonian right-back Enar Jaager has arrived in Glasgow for a week-long trial at Rangers. (Daily Record)


But one player who might be heading out of Ibrox is John Fleck, who could fix up a loan move to Blackpool on Monday. (Daily Record)

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I, like you, was disappointed how he seemed to control not just the dressing room but the club in the PLG fiasco -


I think it's nonsense to say he controlled the club - absolute tosh. He didn't seem to have much power compared to Walter Smith.


To me what happened was that Le Guen was half hearted, weak and floundering and had little respect left at the club. The difference was that Ferguson was still respected.


I'm convinced SDM would have backed Le Guen had the Frenchman shown some cajones for the fight and the longterm as well as an ounce of evidence that he could do the job required. He showed neither and buggered off at the first difficult hurdle.


You don't sack a captain, legend and popular player like Barry and totally disrupt the team for a manager who is likely to either quit or be fired by the end of the season.


Walter Smith came in and had no trouble with the dressing room or in getting results and he easily got shot of Bazza when he'd had enough of him.


Le Guen may be a great manager elsewhere and a great man, but at Rangers he was pathetic in so many areas - and looked like his heart was never in the job. I'm glad Barry stood up to him because we got rid of him before he took us into the doldrums and then likely deserting the ship like a rat.

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So if the player doesnt sign a contract then it is the contract negotiations which failed, not the trial.


To be pedantic it might be wrong to say the negotiations "failed". You could say they succeeded in concluding a deal was not in both parties interests. If a player is just too greedy or a club just undervaluing them to much then you can hardly say the other side "failed".


Rangers really have to cut our cloth according to our income sans Champions league windfalls but players don't seem to be seeing the reality of the situation. Sometimes they can find more money elsewhere but as you see, it often doesn't turn out that well for them.


I just hope that both parties are at least in the same ball park for perceived remuneration BEFORE the trials. I get the impression that some players come thinking Rangers are still a rich club that throws money around like confetti.

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Some more rumours


ARGENTINE striker Juan Manuel Martinez is on a list of players interesting Rangers, as is 6ft 8in Nigerian forward Michael Uchebo


Nicknamed little donkey according to Wikipedia.


Hardly prolific this season. Had a better scoring return last season. Contracted until 2013 and valued at approx. £3m

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