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Rangers keeper Adam on bigot rap

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Thought that only happened if you get done, while in or going to coming from a football stadia.


The current SPL Rule only relates to "Unacceptable Conduct at a stadium on the occasion of an official match". I belive it might be possible for the SFA to take action but I think that is highly unlikely.


Undoubtedly, however, there will be clause in the player's contract about "bringing the club into disrepute" and IF he is found guilty then that is most likely the route they would go down IF they were minded to take action.


Whether he would get a first and final warning rather than be subject to instant dismissal might depend on Rangers' view of the severity of the offence, his previous record, and any similar situations in the past. I'm not sure how far he would get with a "silly wee boy" defence given how high profile this stuff is at the moment.


Again, IF he is found guilty, the best solution might be a transfer in January.


Contrast with the proposed clause in the OBB, where it would be an offence to engage in offensive behaviour that would be likely to provoke public disorder not just at a regulated football match but also on a journey to or from a regulated football match whether or not the person attended or intended to attend the match.

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What happened to the police officer again? The "drunken" chap who sang sectarian IRA songs and aimed them at passers by with intend? Or the Aberdeen players who twittered bigotted garbage?


EDIT: The PC was found guilty - the word sectarian and IRA vanishes from this article for some reason, but check the prvious ones - and had to pay 250 pounds. Obviously, he was not suspended from duty.


If that is a precedence, Rangers know which path they could follow.

Edited by der Berliner
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If that is a precedence, Rangers know which path they could follow.


The only precedents that would be relevant to Rangers would be what they have done in similar situations (if any) in the past or what other clubs have done in similar circumstances.


Of course that doesn't mean that Rangers shouldn't hold their players to higher standards than others.

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Sure enough they should. If we bow each time somesuch comes up and then e.g. sack our players though, this will open a new can of worms in the future.


Anyways, we still do not know what actually happened, do we?


On sidenote, nasty Adam supposedly sang a vile song, while this chap actually put a man into hospital. Will we see the same glaring headlines, NewsNow says NO thus far.

Edited by der Berliner
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Sure enough they should. If we bow each time somesuch comes up and then e.g. sack our players though, this will open a new can of worms in the future.


Anyways, we still do not know what actually happened, do we?


On sidenote, nasty Adam supposedly sang a vile song, while this chap actually put a man into hospital. Will we see the same glaring headlines, NewsNow says NO thus far.


It will turn into a witchhunt DB think we all know that. There has to be a point where we draw a line in the sand and say we want a level playing field, if the other clubs aren't going to hold there players to the high standards we do, then we won't with our players. A players career shouldn't be adversely affected because he plays with Rangers compared to one that plays with Celtic or Aberdeen.


We have been seen to be doing the right thing according to others in the media for too long, when that same media doesn't hold the rest up to the same scrutiny, enough I say.


We Are All Grant Adam.

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Celtic coach Alan Thompson faces a road ban after admitting drink-driving the day after an Old Firm match.


Thompson, 37, was one and half times over the limit when police stopped him on Kirkintilloch Road, Bishopbriggs near Glasgow, on October 25.


The former hoops midfielder was behind the wheel of his powerful Range Rover. The incident was the day after Celtic had lost an Old Firm derby to Rangers at Parkhead.


Thompson was not present when the case called at the Justice of the Peace Court on Thursday but his lawyer James Reilly entered a guilty plea to the drink-driving charge.


He was also accused of driving while using his mobile phone but his plea of not guilty was accepted.


Stipendiary Magistrate Robin Christie deferred sentence until later this month for Thompson's license to be produced.


Thompson returned to Parkhead last summer as part of Neil Lennon's backroom team. He was in the hoops team that reached the Uefa Cup Finals in Seville in 2003.


He later played for Leeds United and was on the coaching staff of Newcastle United before coming back to Celtic.


Last week, Neil Lennon faced a driving offence of his own when he was given three points at the same court for going through a red light.


Who has committed the bigger crime? Who has put lifes at risk with their actions? Who should be losing their job?

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Who has committed the bigger crime? Who has put lifes at risk with their actions? Who should be losing their job?


Your question has a commn sense, easy answer to it, but we're not dealing in common sense here and the anti-sectartian laws are new, thus get more attention. It's designed to change attitudes, so the sledge hammer is more likely to be used.

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Last week, Neil Lennon faced a driving offence of his own when he was given three points at the same court for going through a red light.


Lenny really will do anything to get three points.:D

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