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We need free speech for all â?? even bigots

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  Juancornetto said:
Who's Max Devo?


The matches and parades need to stop as well, there needs to be give and take as much as it would be hard to swallow. Unfortunately however the Catholic Church aren't interested in give and take and integration, they more than ever want to tighten their grip on the souls in their possession. As an Atheist I feel no shame for any negative feelings towards Catholicism, in the same way that I am proud and vocal about my disdain for all organised religion and this is the way to tackle these people. Stop with the Auto Proddy response, if you don't go to Church and practice the Protestant religion stop attaching yourself to it. Let them be the bigots against all non-Catholics.




Maximum devolution.

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  Juancornetto said:
Unfortunately however the Catholic Church aren't interested in give and take and integration


The RC church will never let integration happen in Scotland and it's shameful. Having their church isn't enough for them to indoctrinate the children. They are allowed to continue to segregate children in Scotland while Special Education and children with REAL special needs are being integrated back into understaffed and underequipped mainstream schools. It's an absolute disgrace!

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The government should be trying to make the state secular, with the laws that accompany that type of law.


That means anyone can have free speech and the marches and demonstrations can remain, providing the work within the laws already on the statute book, with all state funding removed from education and buildings of worship.


You're not banning any religion, you're just not funding it via the state. Any church can provide it's special schools if they pay for it themselves. i.e. There's a private demand to make it viable.


It's not a question of what the church wants, it's a government policy and there could easily be a referndum on this subject as it's a big thing, but if it were voted to go ahead, it would have the democratic power of the people behind it.


France has had hard fight to implement this policy, but it is now more or less a secualr society, with the exception of the upkeep of some historical/tourist buildings.

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  Juancornetto said:
They were hijacked by the numbskulls years ago and are a breeding ground for ignorance. I'm not a protestant or an orangeman and for me they are negatively associated with Rangers.


You can't ban something because of a negative association with something that it has nothing to do with. they have nothing to do with football.


The parades themselves seem to me to be well run and organised. It's the hangers-on that are the problem but that's not the fault of the Orange Lodges. They can't be held responsible for the general public who are not members.


I still don't see any good reason for banning them.

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