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Rangers line up new kyle lafferty contract

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I think you are underestimating Jelavic's scoring record of late which I think is 5 in the last 7 games. I agree he is not hitting the heights of last season but I really do think that he is doing better than he is getting credit for.


And you can't tell if this virus he's meant to be suffering from has been of a slow build type!

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I still think Lafferty has contributed more thus far this season.


Personally i think it is comparing apples with pears as they are completely different players. Lafferty will always look the busier player but when it comes down to pure yield then I think that Jelavic will produce more over the whole season.

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Personally i think it is comparing apples with pears as they are completely different players. Lafferty will always look the busier player but when it comes down to pure yield then I think that Jelavic will produce more over the whole season.


But we haven't played a whole season and they are being compared with what they have Doberman this season up until now....

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Jelavic is simply a far better player than Lafferty in fact he's miles ahead of him in natural ability, but sometimes Jelly gives the impression he just isn't interested and would rather be elsewhere.

Laff gives 100% in every game he plays but unfortuneatly due to his lack of real skill he becomes an easy target for the fans when things are not going our way, which is very sad really considering his desire to do well. He's scored in all our 3iar clinching successes and for me that means he deserves a new contract. Get money on him to repeat his feats of the last three years - then again I dont think you'll get very good odds on him doing it for a 4th time.

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