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With SPL clubs looking to the future and considering using their own websites/TV channels for live matchday coverage we have to ask ourselves whether it is a good idea or not and how much would we be willing to pay?


Personally I think it has the potential to be a great idea, but at the same time to flop. Would it be an SPL channel? Or would it be specific club channels?


With Sky Sports & ESPN costing in the region of £25 per month and with very little SPL news/programmes other than the live matches it seems, for the average SPL fan not interested in the EPL, a ridiculous price to pay. A specific channel could provide more regular, accurate and interesting club/league news. Would it be cost effective for our clubs? Would it be affordable for our fans?

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Showing live games on a Saturday is a very interesting question. I'm all for it as I have little chance to visit Ibrox every other week, but there are some negative knock-on effects. Namely, if it were to to go ahead, there's the possibility of the team playing in a near empty stadium. The only way to counter this is to reduce entry prices and make football once again a decent and fairly priced entertainment opportunity for the mass of fans.

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Showing live games on a Saturday is a very interesting question. I'm all for it as I have little chance to visit Ibrox every other week, but there are some negative knock-on effects. Namely, if it were to to go ahead, there's the possibility of the team playing in a near empty stadium. The only way to counter this is to reduce entry prices and make football once again a decent and fairly priced entertainment opportunity for the mass of fans.


I don't think our own channel would have too much impact on the numbers visiting Ibrox, but I think lowering the price of tickets, even by a fiver, has the potential to fill the stadium out. I don't have kids and so am not aware, are there any schemes for taking your kids with some sort of discount?


Our own channel, in conjunction with RangersTV.TV, could also offer the ability to watch a re-run of the match later. Good for people who are working, or even at the game and just want to watch it again.

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That sucks, but why?


Because currently the proceeds of any TV deal are shared between all SPL clubs.


Rangers (or Celtic) going alone would cost the other clubs a lot of money as they wouldn't be able to realise the same amount they do now.

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Because currently the proceeds of any TV deal are shared between all SPL clubs.


Rangers (or Celtic) going alone would cost the other clubs a lot of money as they wouldn't be able to realise the same amount they do now.


Wouldn't it be in both Rangers & Celtic best interests then to make sure that the lesser SPL clubs don't lose out? If this was the case then an SPL channel with improved specific club websites could be an option?

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I don't think our own channel would have too much impact on the numbers visiting Ibrox, but I think lowering the price of tickets, even by a fiver, has the potential to fill the stadium out. I don't have kids and so am not aware, are there any schemes for taking your kids with some sort of discount?


Our own channel, in conjunction with RangersTV.TV, could also offer the ability to watch a re-run of the match later. Good for people who are working, or even at the game and just want to watch it again.


It's not just the price, although that is important. I've a gammy ticker and I got to Ibrox only 3 times last year, all of which were due to voulenteering with the charity. 2 of the seats I had were in the main stand and I was in danger of having an attack after climbing the stairs, I even missed Jelavic's first goal versus St Johnstone in the 4-0 win.


I don't have a wheel chair and the folks operating the charity couldn't guarentee me a lower seat, so I had to take what I got. Fair do's, but visiting the stadium is becoming increasingly difficult for me, and I'm sure others.


I did request use of the lift when taking my woman to a Hearts game at Ibrox in the club deck, but there's not that much facilities for folk having a hard time at football stadiums, so the ability to see the games without doing the obstacle course is a great benefit to disabled folks.


That's why I'm biased towards it.

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