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St Johnstone look to Weir as McInnes verdict looms

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ST JOHNSTONE could turn to David Weir as a potential replacement should Derek McInnes move to Bristol City in the next few days.


The Perth club gave McInnes permission to travel down to the West Country and interview for the position on Tuesday and were last night waiting for news on their managerâ??s future.


A decision from the English club, who also spoke to Mark Robins, is now thought to be imminent, and Herald Sport understands St Johnstone would be interested in talking to Weir, the Rangers captain, if McInnes leaves the club after four years in charge.


Any move to give the 41-year-old centre-half his first managerial role would hardly be straightforward. Weir is contracted to Rangers for the rest of this season, although he has played just 28 minutes of competitive action so far. He would have to decide if he wanted to take the step as a player-manager and also whether the move would suit his family circumstances. Weirâ??s wife and young family remain in Lancashire.


Just as Owen Coyle played a role in the appointment of McInnes, the former Rangers midfielder has already passed on his own ideas to Geoff Brown, the St Johnstone chairman, about who might be a suitable successor.


Others linked with the post include Paul Sheerin, the former St Johnstone player who is now in charge of Arbroath, Livingston manager Gary Bollan, and Jim Jefferies, who began this season as manager of Hearts.


The decision from Bristol City was delayed last night by the complex ownership structure at the club and their npower Championship game with Crystal Palace. They went into it at the bottom of the table, without a victory in nine league and cup games.


â??At Bristol there seems to be a board of executive directors and an owner, and the owner overrides the executive directors, so that comes into play,â? Brown said yesterday. â??Derek said he got on okay but nobody indicated whether heâ??s favourite or second favourite.


â??If Derek does move on we would be looking for someone to come on board who would keep the confidence of the players going because he would inherit a good squad which is capable of keeping us free of relegation.â?


That group includes Liam Craig, one of the players who has grown accustomed to rumours surrounding their manager. â??This isnâ??t the first time thereâ??s been speculation about the manager and weâ??ve got an experienced team that can deal with it,â? he said. â??If you look at the likes of Callum Davidson, Alan Maybury, Jody Morris and David McCracken, these are boys whoâ??ve been in the game a long time.


â??Now weâ??re concentrating on Dundee United at the weekend. I donâ??t think that weâ??ve beaten them since we came back up, and thatâ??s something we want to put right. Weâ??ve made a great start to the season and we want to continue it.


â??A total of 18 points is better than we could have hoped for after our first three games. Itâ??s a really good start, but thatâ??s all it is. It will mean nothing if we donâ??t kick on.â?


Craig was one of McInnesâ?? earliest captures, initially arriving on loan from Falkirk, before becoming a regular in the team that won promotion to the Clydesdale Bank Premier League and then established itself there under McInnes. â??Itâ??s scary to think that itâ??s four years,â? he added. â??Derek has been excellent for me. You knew right away that him and Tony Docherty [his assistant] would be a great management team. He has brought the boys in that he wanted and heâ??s been great for my career.


â??Itâ??s been a successful time. Weâ??ve won the first division and been to a few semi-finals. The only disappointment is we havenâ??t got to a cup final yet. If he remains here weâ??ll look to put that right. But the Championship is a massive league and if he gets the opportunity it would be hard for him to turn down. Iâ??d be surprised if he did.


â??There have been a lot of Scottish managers doing well down there and thereâ??s no reason why he canâ??t do the same. For the moment Derek is still our manager and hopefully we can keep him. But if he goes no-one will begrudge him his move and weâ??ll wish him all the best.â?



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It would be a great first job in management for Davie Weir, but I can't see him taking the job even if he was offered it because he'll probably have the chance to coach at Everton and be with his family.

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I can't see Weir taking over at Perth, he's not got any experience.


I'd be surprised if that happened given the amount of decent managers currently out of work right now.

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