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Craig, you could put together a convincing argument that the moon is actually made of cheese! :D


Seriously, if you don't think there's more to it that's fine, but I personally think you'd practically have needed an electrified cattle prod to get John Greig out of the boardroom unless he was indirectly forced in some way. Is it speculation on my part? Yes, of course it is, but it's not unfounded either. John Greig lived and breathed Rangers Football Club and has done most of his life. I simply won't believe that this man just got the huff and jacked it on a whim. No chance.


When I played golf with John Greig just over a year ago he was talking about retiring and getting away from the day to day at Rangers. Maybe all the upheaval made up his mind this time.

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When I played golf with John Greig just over a year ago he was talking about retiring and getting away from the day to day at Rangers. Maybe all the upheaval made up his mind this time.


If that is not name dropping I don't know what is.:grin:

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I don't believe the club will go under. No way will that happen, and I'm not a finacial expert.


I do think CW is being a tad secrative about his wealth, but that's his business I'd say.


I've just heard them talking about this on the Real Radio phone in and a Rangers guy said that Murray feels an obligation to pay any tax bill due to his 'under the table' dealings. And remember, CW passed the test of claiming to have £50 million to put into the club, which he bought for a £1. Even if Murray, with his own companies in trouble, doesn't pay all the tax bill, he may pay a fair proportion of it. He may also find someone else to put some money into the Gers as well, due to his contacts in the business world. Obviously, no-one is going to make a statement to the effect that they will cover the tax bill as that could cloud the judgement on whether Rangers have to pay or not, because it could just as easily go our way.


Truth is, nobody knows what's going to happen, but due to no knowledge, or infromation being provided, we all seem to think we're dead in the water, helped along with unprecedented neagativity being shown in Rangers direction. It is all just a load of ifs and buts, but the negativity seems to be dominant. I'm hoping for the judge to be a bit more dispassionate. CW and his team seem to be positive that we'll win the tax case, whose to say he's wrong?

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