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Donald McIntyre has resigned as Rangers' finance director.

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I'm astounded at the gall of Bain and McIntyre.


I hope the club ensure both don't receive a penny.


Absolutely shocking. Have been my own boss for twenty odd years all I ask from somebody is give me your best if you can't do that you won't be here. And these two have not been giving their best in the interests of Rangers for a long time.

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I'm astounded at the gall of Bain and McIntyre.


I hope the club ensure both don't receive a penny.


My opinion is that it depends on their contracts and it depends on the reasons that they were suspended.


If they have been suspended for no reason (and do ANY of us really know the reason yet) then they are justly entitled to sue, however unpalatable it is to the fans.


And just how do the clunb "ensure they dont receive a penny" ? If they have done nothing wrong they are entitled to compensation for unfair dismissal. It will all come down to their respective court cases.


I hope they dont get a penny either but I say that as a fan of the club and as someone who looks at the mess whilst they were club custodians. However, being custodians doesnt mean they were the problem although it is undeniable that they were culpable given their positions at the club. We have heard how SDM ran the club his way and nobody could get in his way.


I would suggest that very few of us would simply walk away from a job if we were unfairly dismissed. And given we dont know the reasons for the suspensions then there is a chance that they were unfairly dismissed.


And before everyone jumps on the "look at the mess they left us in, look how they almost made us bankrupt etc etc" - whilst I completely agree with that sentiment it doesnt matter a great deal in the eyes of the law courts.

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Absolutely shocking. Have been my own boss for twenty odd years all I ask from somebody is give me your best if you can't do that you won't be here. And these two have not been giving their best in the interests of Rangers for a long time.


In the opinion of the fans.


We dont know what goes on behind closed doors.

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Not many of us would expect the type of redundancy that he does for such a short time in a job. Bad mouthing your new boss before he takes over is always going to reduce your chances keeping your job especially after the contentiousness of his employment - you'd think a normal person would have quit and found employment elsewhere - or at least used the five months of getting paid a fortune to do nothing to find one.


He was carrying out his responsibiilities as a director. He should be credited for performing his duties although that led to the risk of him losing his job. The easy option would be to have sat and done nothing and not told everyone of his concerns but that would not have been carrying out his duties properly.




Sorry, he's not even slightly normal compared to most of us and in comparison is definitely a money grabbing chunt. Seems when you get to the really high earners, you seem to get a lot more of that. It's funny that when poor people get sacked they get nowt, when the rich get sacked they often get more than most earn in a lifetime...


Maybe he's in the right and it's just better justice for the well-off while the rest of us get shafted, but when it's the less well off who don't have that privilege that end up having to pay for it all, it's not easy to stomach.


I fail to see why the salary a person gets should affect their employment rights.


It seems that there's a lot of jealousy and hypocrisy in this thread.

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And before everyone jumps on the "look at the mess they left us in, look how they almost made us bankrupt etc etc" - whilst I completely agree with that sentiment it doesnt matter a great deal in the eyes of the law courts.


There's plenty of stuff that goes on in my company that I don't agree with. All I can do is give my opinion but ultimately the owners of the company get the final say. Should I resign over it? Am I the one at fault becuse I was over-ruled/outvoted? Do I deserve not to receive any redundancy if the company starts to struggle?

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There's plenty of stuff that goes on in my company that I don't agree with. All I can do is give my opinion but ultimately the owners of the company get the final say. Should I resign over it? Am I the one at fault becuse I was over-ruled/outvoted? Do I deserve not to receive any redundancy if the company starts to struggle?


I hear what your saying BD but would you expect trouble if you signed an open letter more or less saying the new owner of the company isn't up to the job. I would expect to be asked to resign.

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Surely Craig if you sign a letter giving the new boss a vote of no confidence your coats on a shuggly nail.


That doesnt give the new boss the right to, effectively, fire you.


Their is an Employment Rights Act in the UK, is there not ?


Giving a new boss a vote of no confidence, and IIRC it was BEFORE the takeover was finalised (in which case he was carrying out his fiduciary duty as Director) does not constitute a dismissable offence.


Until and unless he stops carrying out his employment duties as intended then he shouldnt be fired.

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