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It is a damned if you damned if you dont scenario in supporting Celtic in Europe.


I, for one, understand it damages our chances of favourable draws. But I could never, ever, bring myself to supporting Celtic. Not in Europe, not domestically, not even if they had a tiddlywinks team.


Sorry, I just cant.


But before we start calling them useless bassas...... what have WE done for our coefficient this season ? People in glass houses and all that....

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What are you talking about 'good stuff'? The useless bassas have again damaged Scotlands credibility in Europe. That in turn harms Rangers chances of getting a favourable draw in future.


If Celtic had got a win today that would be about 2 or 3 coefficient points right? The national coefficient is divided by the number of teams competing. So that would be less than half a point towards the national coefficient. I think the positives for Celtic of progressing in Europe will outweigh any minor contribution to the national coefficient. Factor in that the seedings often dont count for shit; look at Man City and Dortmunds seedings in the champions league this year, and it just doesn't seem worth supporting the tims in Europe. I dont think the coefficient argument holds a lot of weight. The only way it might do is in terms of guaranteed qualification for CL, but that is never going to consistently be a guarantee and the tims are just as capable of taking advantage of that (by winning the league) as we are.

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Well I'd support septic in Europe, not only for the coeffiecient points, which there are some, but the further they go in the competition, the more tired they become in the league matches at the weekend. I'd even be happy for them to go all the way to the final, then get beaten, if it means them missing out on the titles, again.


I thought Udinese were shite, and was surprised they got back to get a draw. It was definately a penalty, as was the push by Majstorovic earlier, but they got away with that one.


I did think the ref was particulary crap and would have liked to have been in the stands hearing what TGFITW thought about forgiegn refs after that showing.

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