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Naismith's Two Match Ban.

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Firstly, I suspect Naismith's two match ban is deserved. Yes, McCann was all over him like a rash, and Naisy apologised immediately; however, throwing the elbow is NEVER the answer.


I believe the decision to prosecute Naismith is the responsibility of the Compliance Officer. This particular designation is as yet, not filled. The current CO is a temporary appointment. I have heard twice today, and sincerely I hope this is not true; today's temp' CO was Paul McBride QC.


Two points :


1. Why was Gary Hooper's fist in the face of Motherwell's Jennings not sited for the attention of the temp' CO?


2. Who is the temp' CO?


We should be told in the interests of transparency.

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The club's (ALL SPL clubs) have a responsibility towards this new procedure. I also think that the fans, as paying customers, have a right to ask questions of the SFA/SPL as to your two questions above.


I dont think that we are trying to play tit-for-tat with the Hooper incident but if there was TV evidence of Hooper hitting Jennings (havent seen it yet myself, been away for 3 weeks) then are the authorities only going to use "live" games for video evidence ? Makes no sense whatsoever to me. None. If there is video evidence it should be used regardless if that footage is live or for highlights purposes.


The fans have a right to know that the authorities are being even-handed, fair and judicial without prejudice in their handling of such incidents.


Whilst it wouldnt surprise me I would be astounded, shocked, appaled and saddened if McBride was the temporary CO. A lawyer interpreting football incidents ? Should be an ex-pro, ex-manager or someone who has been in the game at a high enough level. In my opionion.

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There is YouTube footage of Hooper throwing his left arm, the back of his clenched hand hits Jennings in the face. The Motherwell player goes down holding his face with both hands. Perhaps one of the more technical Gersnetters can provide the necessary link?


I concur with your fourth paragraph absolutely.

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Whilst it wouldnt surprise me I would be astounded, shocked, appaled and saddened if McBride was the temporary CO. A lawyer interpreting football incidents ? Should be an ex-pro, ex-manager or someone who has been in the game at a high enough level. In my opionion.


That struck me too. How are they any better placed to decide on these incidents than me or you. Should be an ex pro of some kind really or even a top former referee.

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Have to admit I see little wrong with Hooper's incident - looks like he is brushing the opponent off. Naismith's, on first viewing, looked like there was more intent to it than Hooper's, even though similar incidents.

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It doesn't look the worse incident in the world, but the picutures weren't great.


Still, th identity of this CO seema to be very shady and if their going to name the permanent one, why not the interim???

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