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The Bain of Gers life - REPREHENSIBLE

Guest scotranger

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Guest scotranger

After following the negative media coverage during the last week, as a fan I am totally disgusted at the treatment that Mr. Whyte is being subjected to.Illegal documents leaked by persons unknown. HMRC leaks on business matters which should not be made public in any case. Courts ring fencing funds to protect people like Bain who has not even proven that he has a worthy case nor has his case even been discussed yet.Finally there are a number of fans all to quick to question the intent of our new owner. Lets reflect on the following;

During the reign of the previous management in which as Chief Executive (Bains watch), he was fully aware that all of the now famous liabilities £49m+£4.2m(HMRC), £35K legal bill, final payment for Jella, Overdraft of £18m.He did nothing to clear up any of these matters. He did award himself a bumper salary and bonus increase.His current and past actions are reprehensible. Craig White is left to clear up the mess and IMO deserves total support from all of us. I hope Bain gets the bums rush.

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