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A proposition - Graham Spiers just isn't that bright!

Guest John1872

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Here, Frankie, there is unfortunately some points missing from your views on our very own Son of the Manse. It's always difficult to measure and talk about a persons intelligence, but I have to say attending university is not one of the measures. Well, not to my way of thinking.


I'd say intelligence, in this case, is more to do with memory recall, and an ability to crawl up your lecturers arse. The biggest problem to this type of intelligence is that it quickly goes wrong when you pick the incorrect way of going about your arguement. Speirs does this on numerous occasions which gets him into the 'talking shite' mode.


The biggestest ommision from your mini biography is that the arsehole's a Hibs supporter, the bastion of every bullshitter in the world. And I'm really stupid, I think???


I agree that holding a degree doesn't equate to being intelligent but it does show one is capable of reasoned thought.


BTW, Spiers considers himself a 'lapsed' Rangers fan - certainly not a Hibbee!

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I agree that holding a degree doesn't equate to being intelligent but it does show one is capable of reasoned thought.


BTW, Spiers considers himself a 'lapsed' Rangers fan - certainly not a Hibbee!


I knew that would come up, but it all goes to show is the effect of him talking bull all the time, because I remember him telling a story he had a Hibs scarf on. Now this may not mean that he is indeed a Hibs man, but the game he was talking about was against Rangers and it was a further dig at Rangers fans and their hatered of all things green he was trying to expose.


He said as he stood at the junction of Lochend road, the turn off which takes you to the back side of Easter Road a Rangers bus passed and when they spotted him with his Hibees scarf on, they shouted out of the windows and made all sorts of rude gestures.


Trouble with that story, I can never imagine under what circumstances a Rangers bus would be doing down that part of Leith, no matter what direction it was coming from, or even if it was a mini bus, there's no way that a Rangers would be down that way. Espeacially shouting and gesturing, unless they wanted to see a few flying bricks.

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For those who haven't heard, Graham Spiers came out with the most unintelligent quote of his entire life. He said:


"I think some thoughts should be criminalised."


Jesus I would get done for rape on a daily basis.:shock:

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Guest John1872

I only understood Graham Spiers after reading him on twitter. His regular baiting of Rangers fans and assuming Rangers fans all thought the same things and acted the same way disgusted me.


However, I realised that he was more petty than significant. This was no heavyweight analysis. His unthinking assumption that you could end stereotypes by creating stereotypes showed a dull mind.


He may have learned a lesson though, today he alluded to the lampooning he would do to [Rangers] fans and I think he regrets it. Not because he thinks it was wrong - more that he looks like a child.

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He will do whatever it takes to gather attention around himself, including defending that Thomson Hearts kid and blaming the Internet for his crimes.


He just likes to get replies, get hits, get people to respond to him.


And people always do, time and time again.


As has been said in this thread, he is just a basic attention whore, one who left behind journalistic integrity long ago (if he ever had any) in favour of becoming the very worst parody of a gutter hack.

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For those who haven't heard, Graham Spiers came out with the most unintelligent quote of his entire life. He said:


"I think some thoughts should be criminalised."


I nearly pissed myself laughing whe he came out with that,that Sunderland guy even highlighted that train of thought and Britney said as quoted above,unbelievable!!!!

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For those who haven't heard, Graham Spiers came out with the most unintelligent quote of his entire life. He said:


"I think some thoughts should be criminalised."


Is he trying to be Orwellian do you think? Or is he just an idiot? Maybe a bit of both.

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Graham Spiers is an ideologue - it's learned stupidity, everyone should place him on real-life ignore.


I wish people did. But they can't help themselves.


It's like a music act like Cher Lloyd or Jedward who are just ransacking music as we know it, yet are more popular for it despite their crimes.


Dare I quote Cher Lloyd herself when she sang something like 'You can't stop thinking about me, talking about me, tweeting about me'. Awful song but the point is probably true.

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