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A proposition - Graham Spiers just isn't that bright!

Guest John1872

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I've never been on twitter so I'm not sure how it works but wouldn't it be better if Rangers fans didn't rise to his comments on it. Or say, if he posted something having a go at us, get our fans not to bite but spam him with replies nothing to do with football (like song lyrics from 80's power ballads or something). Something completely random that would mean he wasn't taken as seriously.

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You are correct in that he is far from stupid. How can a so-called sports journalist who has never 'broken' a story; does not know the first thing about the off-side law (I know a lot of people don't, but he gets paid to understand such matters), and relies almost totally on contention to keep his name in the public domain, be stupid?

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Guest John1872

I think after his performance in the Justice committee and his obvious lack of knowledge of sectarianism in society, my initial point stands! ;)


If it's not on The Billy Boys he hasn't a clue.

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I wish someone had asked him if when he say he was brought up as a Rangers fan,did he and his father/family join in with these '' offensive songs ''.

The Sunderland guy was quite good, I thought,saying football is a working mans game and that Britney was on a morale crusade which is snobbery. If the government want to stop sectarianism in Scotland then they should address the problem of aparthied schooling,instead of laying the balme at the feet of football

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Also it was interesting to hear Britney say he was solely responsible for brining Rangers fans offenssive songs to the attention of UEFA!!!,as they had contacted him directly,TWAT of a an excuse for a man


Not heard the justice committee yet did he actually say that, if that's the case am sure he will be running to uefa with a full report on the yahoos this season, not me thinks. Why was he even there that's like asking me to speak to a bunch of pregnant women about childbirth, surely the other guys on the panel made him look like the muppet he is.

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Here, Frankie, there is unfortunately some points missing from your views on our very own Son of the Manse. It's always difficult to measure and talk about a persons intelligence, but I have to say attending university is not one of the measures. Well, not to my way of thinking.


I'd say intelligence, in this case, is more to do with memory recall, and an ability to crawl up your lecturers arse. The biggest problem to this type of intelligence is that it quickly goes wrong when you pick the incorrect way of going about your arguement. Speirs does this on numerous occasions which gets him into the 'talking shite' mode.


The biggestest ommision from your mini biography is that the arsehole's a Hibs supporter, the bastion of every bullshitter in the world. And I'm really stupid, I think???

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Guest John1872

For those who haven't heard, Graham Spiers came out with the most unintelligent quote of his entire life. He said:


"I think some thoughts should be criminalised."

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For those who haven't heard, Graham Spiers came out with the most unintelligent quote of his entire life. He said:


"I think some thoughts should be criminalised."


There's so much comedy in that quote, you hardly know where to start.

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