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Unity and the Bheast

Guest BrickHands

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Hope you don't mind, but I'm posting it up for you darche.


Unity and the Bheast


As loyal supporters of The Rangers we have a lot of qualities, unity is not yet one of them. We are extremely charitable, loyal to Queen and country and in my opinion, one of the most fanatical of supporter in world football to our beloved club. The lengths many Bears I know have to go to in order to attend a game anywhere in the world, is simply incredible. If we played a game at the North Pole, Bears would be in attendance in hundreds and thousands. Yet despite all of that, we still have huge divisions within ourselves as supporters, that are leaving us open to attacks from the enemy that is the bheast.


This enemy of deluded, mendicant locusts will not stop until we are destroyed. They have so far taken our most traditional and cherished anthems from the terraces, for now. I for one am not going to let our anthems be taken from us for good. Yes, as it stands we now have to watch our mouths as Alex Salmond seeks to rid Scotland of his number one priority, sectarianism.


As Ibrox sits in relative cautious silence, filmed by STASI at every moment, we the support are not putting up enough of a fight to defend our clubs proud traditions. Who is Alex Salmond to tell you and I that we are sectarian? I despise the Bheasts and their anti Rangers, anti British agenda. Does that make me sectarian? No, of course it doesn't, but according to the proposed law of Salmond it does.


There are pockets of resistance, one of which is Vanguard Bears - a group that will never surrender their cause to the enemy - and of course there is now the Rangers fans working group, who have so far released moderate yet sensible statements in their efforts towards self-policing in the hope of preventing a small element of our support bringing about our downfall.


We have yet to see any forward action which builds confidence amongst the support which clarifies precisely what we can sing loud and proud, although I am sure that will come soon enough.


The union flag has been attacked in the media at the end of last season, and now the Bheasts, along with other sinister goings-on, are campaigning to have us disqualified from Europe! No doubt lead by the most deluded of mendicant in the form of a former social worker, crazy Phil Mac-whatever-his-name-is. Make no mistake OCD Phil and his cohorts will not stop - there is nothing they won't do to tarnish the image of our great club.


We have to stand shoulder to shoulder as a support.


The Bheast attacks our flags, we shall fly them higher.


The Bheast attacks our songs, we shall sing them louder.


The handwringers will tell you a song such as The Famine Song has no place in football. For me, any song that can offend the offended belongs in our songbook, although we need to be boxing clever in our efforts to defeat them in the stands in the same manner we wish to defeat them on the pitch. We cannot afford to continue to leave the battle to a small but dedicated group of Vanguard Bears. We need to pull together, as one. That way we can defend ourselves in far greater numbers than we are currently being attacked by the enemy. Some may have to slightly amend their stance, some may not. Making a slight a compromise in your own views is not a weakness when we are all working towards the same objectives, unifying to defend our club and our traditions.


This word should be on the agenda for the next meeting of the Rangers fans working group, unity and how to achieve it.


We shall not be moved and we shall not be defeated.


We need to be louder and prouder than we have ever been before.


We shall stand shoulder to shoulder and there will be no surrender to the enemy!

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Great article mate agree with every word in a country where Loyal and British seem to be swear words it will be a hard fight.

Only problem thou the day the Rangers support unite hell will freeze over and that is a sad truth, we are brought up to think for ourselves we sit and listen to an argument then decide which side we stand for, unlike the green and grey who are told from a young age how to think what to believe in it's called brainwashing and the Catholic church and schools have it down to a fine art.


So I too live for the day when the Rangers family all sing from the same hymn sheet I hope to see it in my lifetime.

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I never looked at it from that angle GA.


Tims are simply neither able or permitted to think for themselves, so therefore do only as instructed.

Any group which still bases its very existence on myth, lies and magic, or religion as it is also known, simply can not declare any moral authority over those who disagree with its "teachings"

The great shame is that their "instructors" are locked in the dark ages and have to perpetuate conflict to keep power and control over their brainwashed followers.

No more than slavery and being subservient from cradle to grave.

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Not impressed in the slightest; I'm already feeling divided from whoever wrote this... Not the kind of hymn sheet I want to sing from. The blogger doesn't know anything about unity. Extremist rubbish exploiting the worrying, current situation - it's reminiscent of fascism.

Edited by calscot
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I agree in part with some of this article. However, I get the impression that this article is promoting sectarianism - which isn't a good thing in general & especially for the club.


I do agree that Unity is required against ANYONE attempting to tarnish the name of the club

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A lot of people need to be honest with themselves before they can "stand shoulder to shoulder" with other fans (like me) who simply have no interest in Loyalism or Unionism but have every interest in Rangers Football Club. We have a disease on our doorstep and an aggressive one at that so, what do we do? We lower ourselves to their tactics and we play right into their hands. A paradigm shift has to take place where we unite behind one thing and that is the football.


Dress it up any way you like but Unionism, Loyalism and the politics of Northern Ireland are baggage, baggage that we need to drop to move forward and distance ourselves from the conflicted zombies that blight our society. If people are honest with themselves they might accept that their motivation for being ultra proud and ultra defiant are simply to "get up timmy" that is a well trodden path and is clearly not helping the club or the wider society to progress. Like any addiction, the first step in kicking it is to admit it exists.


Over and out

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"Home rule is Rome rule" was an often heard phrase in my youth.

Is that relevant ?

My opinion is that the Catholic Church is using perceived "sectarianism" to divide the population as so create diversity.

People will seek safety in numbers if they feel they are threatened, real or imagined threats.

In other words, the Church is using the situation to recruit and consolidate.

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