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Time for some good news

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Remember the so-called Sellik supporters' champion, Brian Dempsey?


Sure you do, son of a long standing Labour MP. Made his money in the building game in the 70s, all those Labour Party controlled councils ensuring the Rate Support Grants found their way to fellow green'n'grey travellers. A bona fide Godfather of the west of Scotland Murphia.


His elevation to ra Sellik Board in the late 80s was hail hailed as akin to winning the League. Both Brian and Wullie Hee-Haw(Haughey) took their places around the Parkhead formica drop leaf just long enough to realise they were rebels.


Dempsey took up with Elmer Fudd and rode the wave of revolution that blew away the Kellys, Whites, and Grants. The deal was ra Bunnet chip in �£9million and Dempsey/Hee-Haw �£1million each. Dempsey failed to cough up, it would appear ra Rebel had choked.


Now, Brian was/is devout. He never got tired of telling anyone that would listen about the vital importance of his moral compass. Thus, it was no surprise when he enlisted the aid of Record Chief Reporter, Anna Smith to spin the, 'ah've left the trouble and strife furra burd hauf her age' story. Yep, devout Brian had fcuked off to the Caymen Isles with bhint and new born daughter. What both his sons attending St Aloysius College thought of their most moral old man, well?



Anyways, the good news, he declared bankrupcy today; debts of almost �£11million. I am positive Phil McStupidname in Donegal will be demanding HMRC get weighed in and will be utilising his numerous contacts in the service to ensure bang up to the minute news. Personally, I hope Dempsey is reduced to selling his hairy rebel arse to maintain his hospitality package at ra Stydome.

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What a shame. Looks like the rebel has lost on this occasion.


I note Galloway devoted the vast majority of yesterday's Daily Record column to ra Blessed Brian. Apparently, most generous to ra church.


You would think Gorgeous George would be far more concerned with the current difficulties being experienced by his other old mucker, Col' Gadaffi? Perhaps, ra Blessed Brian and Gadaffi can form a self help group, climb aboard the camel, and ride to heaven through the eye of that needle?

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It's always nice when someone gives to a church and then ensures it's well publicised. Generosity to the core.


His generosity extended to other areas as well.


(Mr Dempsey provided accommodation and financial support to Glasgow City Council leader Steven Purcell following his resignation amid confessions of cocaine and alcohol abuse.


I'm sure he did it because he's a nice man.

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It's always nice when someone gives to a church and then ensures it's well publicised. Generosity to the core.


His generosity extended to other areas as well.




I'm sure he did it because he's a nice man.


Dempsey was likely headed into bankruptcy by this point - nice of him to be generous with, effectively, his creditor's funds.

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Both have had an audience with the pope.




I was thinking when Purcell was wisked away to the Scottish Borders for addiction treatment. It was a facility near Kelso, Castle Craig that he was admitted to, then subsequently went missing from. I believe the owners of said facility are the wider McCann family. It would appear there was a determination to contain the problem(Purcell) within ra Sellik family.


Now, did Dempsey provide sanctury for Purcell before or after Castle Craig? Further, was it Blessed Brian's pied a terre in the north of Glasgow, or the beach shack in the Cayman Isles?


We should be told.

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