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Cops� bid to axe Gers game in chants row

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Here we go first game on home soil and it all starts double standards don't even begin to cover this. In this F#+ked up country the whole season will be about what we did or didn't sing never mind the banned list everyone knows the songs we can't sing or the add ons. They won't bring out a def list because who is going to tell us we can't sing rule britannia.

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Police have accused Rangers fans of singing sectarian songs during a pre-season friendly against Stirling Albion.


Central Scotland Police said the ââ?¬Å?disappointingââ?¬Â behaviour by a section of the Ibrox sideââ?¬â?¢s support on Tuesday night had taken place during the first half of the game.


The police force said the behaviour of a section of the Rangers support had acted ââ?¬Å?to tarnish the name of their clubââ?¬Â.


Stirling Albion issued a warning to a section of the Rangers fans over the singing during the first half of the match, before a further announcement relating to the behaviour at half time.


A spokeswoman for Central Scotland Police said: ââ?¬Å?There was sectarian singing from a section of the visiting support, leading to warnings from the club [stirling Albion] during the first half.


ââ?¬Å?Towards the end of the half there was discussion between police and the club about pausing the match to allow further warnings to be delivered.


ââ?¬Å?It was decided to wait a short time and deliver such warnings at half time. This was done by the club. At no time did the police recommend that the match be called off.ââ?¬Â


Despite concerns over singing, no arrests were made at the game, which the young Rangers side won 1-0.


This was due to the fact that once Stirling Albion issued a warning, and the police presence at the match was increased in the second half, there was a "reduction" in the behaviour.


The Central Scotland Police spokeswoman added: ââ?¬Å?Increased policing and stewarding during the second half led to a reduction in this behaviour.


ââ?¬Å?The focus of police was to ensure the safety of all people attending and no arrests were made at the time.


ââ?¬Å?Events will, however, be subject to further review including liaison with clubs via the Association of Chief Police Officers Scotland football sub group. It is disappointing that so-called fans have seen fit to disrupt this event and to tarnish the name of their club in this way.ââ?¬Â


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And yet the police will not tell anyone what was being sung that was offensive and nothing as bad enough to even arrest anyone, but yet they see fit in publicly complaining about our support?


Looks like the police are going to be making it up as they go along this season, which has the potnential for causing more trouble than it prevents.


They are trying to influence Salmond's new Football Offences legislation, so not only are they trying to interpret and follow the law they are also trying to make it as well. :(

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There have been growing concerns about police responsibility and judgement after complaints about Rangers fans sectarian singing were contradicted by both a Stirling Albion spokesperson and the lack of sectarian arrests.


A spokeswoman for Central Scotland Police said: ‘There was sectarian singing from a section of the visiting support, leading to warnings from the club [stirling Albion] during the first half.’


However, these comments appear to have been contradicted by Stirling Albion spokesperson Mr. Goodwin. He stated that the tannoy message was standard procedure and was not in response to any sectarian singing.


The police are under increasing pressure to justify their comments after they refused to highlight what singing was deemed sectarian, and why no arrests were made on sectarian grounds.


It is rumoured that within the corridors of power at Ibrox there are deep concerns that the police have pressed the issue to influence Alex Salmond led Sectarian legislation. This legislation, shelved after garnering wide criticism from the legal profession in Scotland for its ambiguity, would have given the police considerable new powers.


Sources within the game claimed that the only songs publicly banned – Hello Hello, and the Famine Song – were not heard and expressed their puzzlement at the police’s judgement in the matter. Stirling Albion spokeman Mr. Goodwin thanked the Rangers fans for contributing a great atmosphere at the game and the club for organising it.




Would it be hard for a friendly or even just responsible journalist to write the above?

Edited by bmck
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The Chief Constable of Central Region Constabulary is Kevin Smith.


Kevin was Chief Superintendent at Strathclyde's E Division(London Road) and thus Match Commander at ra Stydome for 4 years. As an Assistant Chief Constable at Strathclyde, he headed up their policing of parades. Further, he was an(the) official police advisor to Glasgow City Council's anti-sectarianism committee(seven councillors, all rc).


Kevin's auld man was the founder of Glasgow police officers catholic guild. Kevin is oft referred to in rc church publications as, "the cop with the candles".


Kevin Smith worked closely with the then Chief Reporter of the Daily Record, Anna Smith(no relation). Anna was often tipped off when E Division policed council workmen painting kerb stones black at Brigton Cross, after the locals had daubed them red, white, and blue; or when the police made dawn raids in Cambuslang in the lee of Sunderland '93; or when police protection was granted to a parish priest making his rounds in Dalmarnock, or when ....................... etc.


Last month in Alloa(central region) an IRA fest was organised for 300, Central Rewgion police made NO objection.

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