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Gers Could Move For Miller

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He would never had been sold for the miserly �£400,000 if it wasn't for the state we were in at the time. Bursaspor would have got him for nowt in the summer.

With a new owner and Manager who want him back, then 2M is peanuts for ANY international captain - Come back Kenny.

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To put it tastefully �£2m is a ridiculous amount for a 31 year old edging past his peak and he has dodgy hamstrings.


To put it more the way I would say I would be disgusted if we paid �£2m for him but I think Whyte wouldn't be stupid enough to do that he has been quite prudent with bids even if there has been little success.

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Guest Dutchy

It's a very strange situation. A player returning to a club for a third time, I don't know if that's ever happened before?


I'm not keen on him returning either, although I recognize he was great for us, but there's no guarentee he will repeat that form. And I was none too pleased at the manner of his exit.


If we pay Bursaspor what they gave us and pay Kenny a slightly reduced wage, then it would be OK for him to return, but he won't accept a reduction in wages, so let him find another club to solve HIS problems with.

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It's a very strange situation. A player returning to a club for a third time, I don't know if that's ever happened before?


I'm not keen on him returning either, although I recognize he was great for us, but there's no guarentee he will repeat that form. And I was none too pleased at the manner of his exit.


If we pay Bursaspor what they gave us and pay Kenny a slightly reduced wage, then it would be OK for him to return, but he won't accept a reduction in wages, so let him find another club to solve HIS problems with.


Maybe if we offer him the same wages as Whittaker, he'll be delighted to sign on the dotted line.

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Yeah, Lemon says he wants 'experience' - if they get him in front of us, then that'll be a coup for them.


I was just being wide. I doubt very much if he's got the bottle to go back to play for them. He'd get a power of abuse.


Anyway, we paid �£2m for him 11 years ago and we paid another �£2m for him 3 years ago. I can't see us paying �£2m for him a third time. No chance. Ally is in for some hard times off the fans as it is without spending �£2m on Kenny Miller in a transfer window where we need defenders and midfielders.

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Guest mccoist9

He looked to be building a really effective partnership with Jelavic before the big man was crocked by that disgraceful challenge from Ian Black so for that reason getting him back would be a decent move. A partnership like that could provide a goal-scoring return of between 45 and 50 goals a season.


However, we have to watch the fee since �£2,000,000 would be better spent elsewhere. On the basis of what I've read about the friendlies thus far we really need a centre-back so, given the choice, I'd rather invest that kind of cash to strengthen that department. For example, Cuellar would be a better bet for that kind of cash.

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Cuellar won't be fit and available for the start of the season or for CL qualifiers so we need to look at other people. Like the Espanyol guy or others etc. Still would want Cuellar but we will probably wait a while yet.

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